I walk my path.
I expect others to walk their path, no matter what path it is.
Sometimes we cross and the flow is good, other times we are counter productive.
In Free Will if you cannot choose your own path then, there is no free will.
Wolf, if you believe the way you do, can I ask why you do? Do not answer me, just think about it for yourself.

Do you believe the way you do because of what you were told as a child? Because of what your parents believed? Or did you actually go out and choose a faith, by truly investigating others. If you are just spitting back up the rhetoric of your parents and family, then are you truly of a religion. Or are you just socialized to what is acceptable to your family. Like I said, I do not expect an answer. I just wish for you to think about it.
For you see if I apply your logic, to your comments here.
You are a sinner. You are going to Hell.
You cast judgement. You throw the first stone, out of hate, and fear and self rightousness.
Since you will not tolerate me. If I do not tolerate you, and insist that you are wrong unless you do it my way, because GOD IS ON MY SIDE, then I can say you are going to hell. I can cast you out of the Christian Faith, for you are not a Christian.
As done in the past I could say Might is Right, and challenge you to a fight. If I win you must convert to my religion or die. And if you win, then I would have to do the same. Is your faith strong enough to defeat me? Is your faith strong enough to handle the thought of you being converted? (* For this is what you do to others by trying to convert them. *)
Yet, I choose not do and of this. I ask you to sit back, and think upon what you have said, and how you have said it. Think on how you have called me and others a JackASS and stupid, and ..., . When if you were to look into the mirror you might find what you are describing for not allowing others their own path and their own free choice.
Offer a helping hand to those that you see in trouble. Offer a smile to those who are sad. If your inspiration comes from your religion then so much the better for you. Do not convert people at the tip of a sword, which in my stupid crazy and going to hell opinion, I believe you have been trying to do.
Breath In
Breath Out (* Machine Head by Bush *)
Think about it. Not for me. For your self. For if you believe you cannot learn, even patience for people like me, then you are saying you are like gos and need more time on this earth.
Breath In
Breath Out
Relax and think about it.