Castillo vs Farnsworth

Originally posted by KenpoTess
'the ole fashioned way' would be sans 'gear'
*nodding emphatically*

I'll take it with hands tied in hemp, with glue, broken bits of glass, ala "Tong Po" style.:cool:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
:( I've been scorned by Rusty :( . OK, when I was practicing the TKD system I was in it for close to 5.5 yrs. Of course I needed a change and then when I found the Kenpo system I would always consider this as my base and foundation of knowledge. I've never looked back to say I made a mistake. On the otherhand I still have fighting characteristics of my TKD days because that's just how we fought back then and I haven't really sparred much with my kenpo friends. Obviously I've attended the sparring classes from time to time but the bulk of my fighting was done practicing TKD. ;) Does that make you accept me better. Please?????;)

Aww, Jason, you're like Mastercard, accepted everywhere!

...or is that Visa....or something....BLAST!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Aww, Jason, you're like Mastercard, accepted everywhere!

...or is that Visa....or something....BLAST!

I like that one, definately a low blow!;)
Originally posted by RCastillo
You're not good at lying, so don't even try it!:mad:

*sigh* i'm sorry. guess that did come out a low blow.

*slinks off*
Originally posted by RCastillo
Better make it "Gorilla Glue", purchased at Home Depot. Fransworth is gonna need it.:rolleyes:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't think so.:soapbox:
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
but i didn't mean it to be!

That's alright I didn't take it as a bad comment.;)

Don't worry about Castillo he never knows what he's saying.:shrug:
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
*sigh* i'm sorry. guess that did come out a low blow.

Well I took it as a compliment saying that no matter what art I was practicing that I would be accepted in any martial art studio.;) ;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I would be accepted in any martial art studio.;)
With me in your corner...... the Corpus Christi Flash will Acceleriti rapsidis maximus for the border! He'll want no part of the Secret GD B1aPdkrksrkhkB5btskx2rklhtkd-crush!

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
With me in your corner...... the Corpus Christi Flash will Acceleriti rapsidis maximus for the border! He'll want no part of the Secret GD B1aPdkrksrkhkB5btskx2rklhtkd-crush!


*blink blink**head go boom*

...and thanks jason...:D
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
With me in your corner......

We can take him over just you & I.:D

the Corpus Christi Flash will Acceleriti rapsidis maximus for the border!

I'm sure he is already packed and ready to go when our planes land.:eek:

He'll want no part of the Secret GD B1aPdkrksrkhkB5btskx2rklhtkd-crush!

I love it!!!!!!!!!!:) :D
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

(gets in fighting stance)

(waiting for Castillo to square off)

I already took away your centerline, hit several times, and covered out!:cool: