Carrying weapons

So ... what kind of utensil does he use to eat a banana, fork or spoon? How about popcorn? Nuts? Fig Newtons?
Even if the police show up - not guaranteed - they are under no legal obligation to protect you. Well established case law, sovereign immunity, whole nine yards.

Suppose they show up and they're really, really fast about it. You have to get out your phone, dial the number, tell the dispatcher where you are, wait for the dispatcher to call the police and the police to come over. Minimum time five minutes. If a guy's industrious that's enough time for him to kill you, rape you and loot the body all in no particular order, have a beer and get a good start on digging the hole to bury the body in. A joke among police is "Call us, call the ambulance, call Domino's. You and the paramedics can have a pizza while you're waiting for the police to arrive."
Very true, the police have no duty to protect individuals only "society". I am all in faver of a person carrying a handgun to protect themselves. But my point was that the cell phone may be overlooked by some people as a tool in their self defence toolbox. Some people may feel that they can project themselves into a situation because they are carrying, that is not a good idea.
When I carry, which is not very often, it is either a glock 19, springfield champion or S & W mod 60.
Very true. There are plenty of people who believe that a CCW is a superhero card. Fortunately, they tend to be the sort who don't get into much real world trouble.

All nitpicking aside the point I'm trying to make is that if
  1. You are a mature person with good impulse control
  2. You understand the legal and ethical parameters of self defense and the use of force
  3. You keep the laws of your jurisdiction in mind
  4. You know how to use your tool of choice
  5. You are in a situation where it is appropriate
you're better off with a good tool than relying on your unaugmented body if your life or health is in serious danger. The whole "I come to you with Empty Hands" is romantic nonsense that can get you killed.

That said, I generally teach self defense from the body out. That is, some knowledge first, body second, weapons last if at all except under certain unfortunate circumstances. For instance "He's already violated the restraining order and says if he can't have me nobody will." :uhoh:The most important thing is changing a student's attitude. Sometimes too much emphasis on tools too early leads to another sort of dependency i.e. they feel helpless without the weapon. As my Shaykh says "The body trains the mind."

A little knife like an Endura is so much a part of my wardrobe that it hardly counts as being armed. More serious occasions are rare now that my neighborhood is no longer red-lined and full of drug houses, thank G-d. For those a Glock 21, 1911 or a Kahr pocket pistol in 9mm.
i carry a glock 27 with two spare ten rd. mags iwb holster below my belly button,and a buck folder in its sheath on the strong side.when at work where i need extreme concealability i have the buck,and a two shot derringer in 38 my right pocket
i tend to carry a small pocket knife everywhere i go, besides school. i used to carry a cane but for my age it makes me stick out like a sore thumb.

edit: i suppose sticks along the sidewalk would work too, though. i live in a wooded area :P

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