True or False
- There is a database for personal information connected to your drivers licence.
- That database is already shared with various government and financial institutions.
- There is a database for information connected to your social security account.
- There is a database for information connected to your taxes and employment history.
- There is a database connected to your criminal history.
- There is a database connected to your medical history.
- There may be multiple databases at different locations that duplicate all or some of the above, with varying degrees of accuracy.
I live in NY.
NY has a database on me.
1 for my licence.
1 for my employement.
1 for my tax history.
How many companies maintain databases of our credit histories?
Is it an invasion of my privacy to centralize that information?
If it was centralized, wouldn't that mean the information had a better chance of being secure, accurate and properly controled? (IE my landlord couldn't demand my SSN anymore.)
Your face is mostly unique. Your prints are in most cases unique.
We don't need a tatooed barcode, implanted chip, etc. Nature has already provided us with our unique identifyers. (Hell, include a sample of my DNA)
Right now, my personal data is scattered across a thousand agencies, who abuse and misuse it. While I highly mistrust the government, if it was all in 1 place, I could more easily access it, check it, and assert my OWN control over it.
In the end, all the extra paperwork will only hurt the average, law obeying citizen.
As has been said so many times, the criminals don't care, and will find a way, regardless.
Yes, it is possible to abuse -any- system, but....
In an age when I can be denied housing because my landlord saw my tax returns, medical history and credit report, or an employer can decide I'm not employable because I'm in debt, or my car insurance is at it's highest because I was late on a few credit card payments, I find the abuse and invasion is already there.
I simply continue to fail to see how adding 1 more forgable document into the mix will do anything other than increase my costs.
Now...regarding that chip.....
Lets make it stylish, modular, with interchangable covers. The kids will love it.
Call it Poke-RiF....gotta "bleep" em all.