Can you say ripoff


Kenpo Yahoo

I saw this on another forum, and thought I might share to see what you guys thought. Is Image theft becoming a problem or do you feel that this isn't that big a deal.
Can you say ripoff?
by Trademark Concerns
Can you say ripoff. Look at the AKKI crest.

Now follow this link and look at the upper left corner of the banner and down the page at Bob Jones right shoulder.



Does anyone else see a problem with this.
Your second link's pictures are a little hard to see, so I can't really judge on the similarity. However, Tatum did start out studying under EPAK before he left to do his own style.

I've seen several variations of the kenpo crest...

- Ceicei
I believe Bob Jones is a former AKKI (or Paul Mills Family Group) member. Definitely a little "influence" there.
Both of the crests in question are rip offs of the original Parker crest, so everyone should just get over it.
Exactly. The only original one is the one that GM Parker created, everything else is a offshoot. I think the least closet is Huk Planas. That being said. Get over it.


Hmmmmm..... see any similiarities

I'm just having a hard time with the fact that two Tatum schools have found the need to blatently "steal" crest designs from other associations. Perhaps it's just coincidence

Both of the crests in question are rip offs of the original Parker crest, so everyone should just get over it.

Oh you think so. The AKKI crest was designed over a period of years, with the express purpose of paying honor to SGM Parker while showing that we are a completely different entity.
All the EPAK patches are similar. The patches don't mean a thing. Do you enjoy your training? If so then who cares about the embroidery you wear. I have uniforms that have all the 'proper' association patches on them, I also have some that have nothing on them. I liken them to a blank sheet of paper, I go to class fill them up with information, I go home. I appears that not only can an associations leader stir up controversy but so can his crest.
All the EPAK patches are similar. The patches don't mean a thing. Do you enjoy your training? If so then who cares about the embroidery you wear

Think about it like this. You take years designing, redesigning and refining something, anything, so that you have something completely unique to you and your organization. Then someone comes along and takes your hard work and ideas, and blatantly copies them, for their professional use. In literature this is called plagiarism. Next, imagine if this person had previously been associated with your organization, then left, and spread inaccurate information about your system. It is not ethical. Period.
I agree to some extent. Unless you wanted to waste money on litigation that you might or might not win what can you do? It sounds as though there is bit more here than issues over the similiarity of assoc patches. If someone is talking junk on another group or association the best you can hope for is that people will sort through the rhetoric and evaluate things themselves. I wouldn't put an ounce of credence into a statement made on a message board, camp meeting or the like. I would like to and hope I get a chance to go to either a seminar or class taught by all the "seniors" at some point.
Basically what you're beefing about is plagrasim <sic>. As an artist/graphic designer I have to be careful if I'm going to take someone else's cool looking design and change it to suit my own or a client's needs. I had done so with one t-shirt design I created and actually met the (original's) artist and she was flattered. There was enough differences to see but you can tell as with the patches you're talking about that the idea came from the original.
Her comment... "the only one who MIGHT complain and do something about it would be either my attorney or my agent." Disney throws a hissy fit and lawsuits galore whenever ANY of their images are used "without permission" or copied.
Unless the original owner of the design throws a fit then there's not much you can do about it.
Your feelings are your own and you've a right to them, but whomever owns the original is going to have any "legal" say-so.
Main Entry: pla·gia·rize
Pronunciation: 'plA-j&-"rIz also -jE-&-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -rized; -riz·ing
Etymology: plagiary
Date: 1716
transitive senses : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
intransitive senses : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
- pla·gia·riz·er noun

I don't think it fits the description. Unless it is identical or trying to be passed off as something brand new then there is no problem. Most of the crests are very similar so I think if you're going to accuse one person of "ripping off" a crest you need to include a long list of people.

Think about it like this. You take years designing, redesigning and refining something, anything, so that you have something completely unique to you and your organization. Then someone comes along and takes your hard work and ideas, and blatantly copies them, for their professional use.

As far as people copying ideas, get over it, welcome to reality. Every company on earth copies some other companies idea that's just business.

Quit singling people out without just cause, and get back to training. I'm getting sick of the mud slinging.
This topic was discussed in an art book I was reading. If i remember correctly, all that was needed were five distinct changes to a piece of work. However, they were discussing scenes and not logos.
Enough. This was not amusing on the Kenponet and it is not amusing here. If someone has an issue with someone allegedly taking Mr. Mills patch for whatever reason then they need to bring it to Mr. Mill's attention and let him deal with it. The "senior bashing", regardless of who it is, is getting old.
people incorporate new things all the time, whether it be advertising, techniques, or logos. change is inevitable. its what makes the times change. sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad....but either way it happens.

yes they are similar, but i really wouldnt get hung up on it.
yes they are similar, but i really wouldnt get hung up on it.
that about sums it up
How many kenpo schools out there have designed there patches to resemble the original ? more than a few I would say.
Originally posted by M F
I believe Bob Jones is a former AKKI (or Paul Mills Family Group) member. Definitely a little "influence" there.

So this would explain the similarity of the patches, IMHO.

I always thought that the patches in kenpo where close on purpose. Showing it is a new school but still holding it's roots. Just what I thought anyway