Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Brother John:
I don't mean to offend you, since your posts generally seem reasonable, and intelligent, and helpful, to me.
However, these discussions of the patches are in several cases--not all, butt several--simply mean-spirited. And furthermore, the relationships among the patches can easily be understood by anyone who takes the trouble to follow through the topics I suggested.
No problem Robert. Thanks for the friendly qualifier first though, not needed...but it's one of those things where it's the gesture that counts. :asian:
I agree that sometimes this can get mean spirited, which is very antithetical to how I like to approach the Kenpo community at large (though there are minor factions that I don't even bother to fein respect for...I'm just following mom's advice and not saying anything at all.) So I hope I didn't come across as being too hostile or whatnot.
I think that Mr. John Connolly (Fast Mover) had some VERY good points, really. I think that they could lead into a much more productive conversation on this topic of the similarity/or/copying of patch design.
I also agree with some who say "It doesn't change my reverse punch or front kick...so why bother." True. If it's not important for you, don't worry about anything in this thread. Go on training, I will...regardless. I'd suspect that those that care will post/read/reply... and that those who don't would read the first entry here and click back to find a new thread. Due to the number of replies, it does seem to matter to some; and bears looking into further.
What is a crest? Isn't it a visual representation of the character, ideals, vision and approach of your particular school/association/art? I know that the AKKI patch has a great deal of symbolic significance to it, only a smattering of which is written down in our belt manuals:
I, for one, am very honored and proud to wear this patch and be a part of what it represents. It is distinctive. Though you can definitely tell that it is related to it's predecessor from the IKKA, you can tell it is uniquely different. This alone speaks to the fact that we came from the original teachings and vision of SGM Parker (similarities) and yet shows that our course has changed from that of our parent organization (the distinctiveness). Therefore if one must borrow or carry-over from one or another patch... perhaps at least it should be from the patch of the org/association/art that they came up from. In the above cited patches you have one from a man/group that, to my understanding, has had nothing at all to do with the AKKI... yet his patch is VERY close to ours. To me that doesn't seem right. The next patch has some of our more distinctive features, yet he has had a very basic problem with our association from the top down and has put us down before. So why take from our very cool artwork? He's severed ties and really left a LONG time before much of the major revision/overhaul of the material took place (which is still very much going on), so those things that make our members practical and even theoretical underpinnings distinctive... he missed out on. Why take from the distinctiveness of the patch then?
These are my points, my views... I am a member of the AKKI but in no way am I it's voice.
Your Brother