Tulisan said:(no offense for putting you on the spot, raedyn) Contrary to popular misconception in this thread, "Can one always tell by looking/interaction" is not the original question. If it was, I would have voted no. Read my previous post; of COURSE you can't tell just by looking or interaction....
All right, if classification in action is one thing, why is classification in thought another? Can you classify these people?
A man is married, he has two kids. He's been in love with women twice in his life and has slept with both of those women. This man has also had more casual sexual relationships...some of them included more then one people and the sexual ratio was not always weighted in the female direction. This man has made friends with others who have formed same sex relationships. If they happen to be women, he is able to appraise other women sexually. If they happen to be men, he is able to appraise other men sexually. This man also has watched porn depicting same sex and opposite sex relationships. In movies, this man is moved by strong female roles. He is also moved by strong male roles attempted to emulate some of them at various times in his life...
Or this person...
Nalia said:When I was growing up I had a friend who's parents split rather suddenly. No one expected it but it wasn't really a surprise the majority of us were from divorced families. Anyways my friend was really upset and did not want to talk about it. Made sense to all of us, for it was a traumatic experience and something we had been through ourselves. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that we found out that dad left mom for another guy. I knew this man for years and never would have guessed or read that in him. He didn't want anyone to know so he hid it well. Maybe if I would have been older and more mature I would have picked up on it but I don't think so.
Tulisan said:Upnorth's original question was basically "can someone belong in a category."
"Can one differentiate between Hetro's, Homo's, and Bi's."
Tulisan, this is the question I asked.
Can you differentiate sexual preference? Can you clearly place another individual in groups commonly known as "homosexual", "heterosexual", or "bisexual" in ALL circumstances?
I phrased it like this for many reasons. One of them was to draw out people who believed that it couldn't be done in action but could in thought.
Tulisan said:This stemmed from the "When did same gender relations become wrong" thread. Upnorth hypothesises that one can't differentiate between the different sexual preferences. He also hypothesizes that everyone is gay (or straight) to some percentage. He also, in the previous thread, made a lot of assumptions on what would be considered "gay behavior." I believe that this is a simple method of obfusicating the issues to get people to question their own sexuality for one, and for two to get people to agree with this worldview that "everyone is gay to some degree, therefore how could homosexuality be 'wrong.'
Which assumptions do you disagree with? Is it wrong to rethink some of this stuff?
Tulisan said:As it is related to this topic, I argue that determining preference is a very easy thing to do for THE MAJORITY or the population. If your mom decides she prefers the same sex, then she is homosexual. If I decide I prefer the opposite sex, then I am hetro. etc., etc., etc.... this is not that difficult of a task (unless of course your trying to cloud the issues, as I have said).
If you decide you prefer the opposite sex and then go with the same for some reason...is it so easy? How often does this happen? Are you sure about the majority?
Tulisan said:Where it becomes difficult is categorizing sexual behavior. For example, many hetrosexual males rape other males in prison for reasons having to do with other environmental and psychological factors that have little to do with preference.
I agree with you here. I guess it could be argue as to whether this behavior is sexual at all.
Tulisan said:However, we aren't talking about categorizing behaviors...we are talking about simply determining SEXUAL PREFERENCE. This is a very easy thing to do for most people.
I can agree with this to a certain extent. I think it is very easy for some people. Yet, the way we do it leaves out the subtleties.