Can women beat a man?

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if officers where you're from aren't physically fit... Looks like your locale has serious problems 🤣
Now that one is funny.

Most officers aren't physically fit, another reason you choosing police videos was not really universally applicable.

Cop photo duel? You post a fit cop, I'll counter.
You're not going to accept any video I show you anyway. Once again, a child saying the grass is purple. Can't argue with them. You just gotta let 'em say that. 🤣
What you said doesn't even make sense, what does color have to do with anything we are talking about.

What I'm not going to accept is that any male beating a female cop video has anything to do with "Can women beat a man".

My video proved they can. It's generally applicable.

Your video didn't disprove that. Your video is not generally applicable.

This is why the thread is dumb. It's bringing out some really silly arguments, like yours.
Now that one is funny.

Most officers aren't physically fit, another reason you choosing police videos was not really universally applicable.

Cop photo duel? You post a fit cop, I'll counter.
Speak for your community. In mine and surrounding communities, police officers have semi-annual physical fitness tests that they are required to pass in order to stay employed. Just because your town has fat officers doesn't mean it's normal 😂
Speak for your community.
What does this have to do with anything we are talking about.
In mine and surrounding communities, police officers have semi-annual physical fitness tests that they are required to pass in order to stay employed. Just because your town has fat officers doesn't mean it's normal 😂
You have to be trolling.
He looks weak to me. If that's strong where you're from, I feel sorry for you. And if officers where you're from aren't physically fit... Looks like your locale has serious problems 🤣
He looks pretty average in terms of least as well as I can tell from the video. It's grainy, and he's wearing puffy clothes, so who really knows.

In most places (In the US) LEO don't really have a requirement to be fit. So she could also be weak.

Also, she was sucker punched. Pretty much any average person can take out another average or fit person if they dial up to 100 out of nowhere, regardless of gender.
Speak for your community. In mine and surrounding communities, police officers have semi-annual physical fitness tests that they are required to pass in order to stay employed. Just because your town has fat officers doesn't mean it's normal 😂
Is the officer in the video from your community?
Oh, look! Here's one of a guy beating up three women at the same time to protect his girlfriend! Nothing physically exceptional about him, and the women seem to be in reasonable shape!

I'm pointing out the fact that you're speaking from your personal experience. That ain't gonna suffice.

If that's how you feel, I have no control over that.
Yes you do. I think you're using all these appeals to authority on purpose. Your definition of "weak", your definition of cop fitness...

I posted a video of a female cop taking down a violent male, in the street. With training.

It's like I solved the "Sport vs. Street" and "Can women beat a man" dilemmas in one video.
Yes you do. I think you're using all these appeals to authority on purpose.
I have control over how you feel? You're giving me way too much power.

I posted a video of a female cop taking down a violent male, in the street. With training.
I've never said it couldn't be done. However, situations like this will always be exceptional and never the norm.

It's like I solved the "Sport vs. Street" and "Can women beat a man" dilemmas in one video.
Yes, once again... I'll grant you that the grass is purple ;)
You already lost the argument, dude.

Women can beat a man. It's science.
You miss the part of science where you're supposed to observe the results of the experiment. Different scenarios of men beating up multiple women? Yeah, that doesn't prove anything... because the grass is purple 😂😚😚😚
I have control over how you feel? You're giving me way too much power.
Being trolled is not a feeling. It's kind of obvious, the authority on the subject you're pretending to be.
I've never said it couldn't be done. However, situations like this will always be exceptional and never the norm.
Another appeal to authority.
Yes, once again... I'll grant you that the grass is purple ;)
Do you even know what the title of this thread is?
You miss the part of science where you're supposed to observe the results of the experiment. Different scenarios of men beating up multiple women? Yeah, that doesn't prove anything... because the grass is purple 😂😚😚😚
In that case the science part was easy.

Can X beat Y?

I posted a video of an X beating a Y.

Now you've got me talking like Kung Fu Wang, man.

Thread closed.
In that case the science part was easy.

Can X beat Y?

I posted a video of an X beating a Y.

Thread closed.
Yeah, but more often than not, when a woman beats a man, one or both parties were hand-picked. You'll win the lottery before you see it in a random enounter.
Yeah, but more often than not, when a woman beats a man, one or both parties were hand-picked. You'll win the lottery before you see it in a random enounter.
Another appeal to authority.

More often than not according to whom? You? Your local jacked gains PD? Or is it just your opinion?

There seems to be plenty of video of women beating men, including female cops. That answers the topic question.

But you seem to be arguing MOST women can't beat MOST men. If so, you're gonna need better evidence, IMHO.
Another appeal to authority.

More often than not according to whom? You? Your local jacked gains PD? Or is it just your opinion?

There seems to be plenty of video of women beating men, including female cops. That answers the topic question.

But you seem to be arguing MOST women can't beat MOST men. If so, you're gonna need better evidence, IMHO.
So if a random woman attacks you, your odds of beating her are 50/50? And this is AFTER all your martial arts training too? Damn, sucks to be you! 😂 😂 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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