Oh dear lord....
It's not marketing, Jason. The idea that you think it is shows major issues with your take on things... again.
Except there are no core elements that are in all systems, or even the majority of systems. Additionally, the quotes you gave don't support what you're stating, nor do they say what you think they say.
There have been issues with things not being backed up before, though, Jason, so really all we have to go on that you don't lie is your own word... hmm.
You're kidding, right? Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu - duels with swords. Tenshinsho Den Katori Shinto Ryu - military education for a warrior class. Yagyu Shinkage Ryu - expression of strategy (military and political). Ogasawara Ryu - deportment and social education. Judo - social improvement through physical and mental education. Seitei Iaido - give Kendoka an experience at actually using a sword. Seitei Jodo - formulation of a set of basics to give Kendoka, and the police force (particularly the Riot Squad in Tokyo). Tae Kwon Do - aid moral and fitness for the Korean Army and people. Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido - preservation of a line of Iai, with a look to combative efficiency as formulated by Nakayama Hakudo. Shinto Muso Ryu - develop a new weapon in order to win a duel. Kyudo - spiritual refinement through action.
In other words, there are as many reasons arts are created as there are arts. I've only really dealt with Japanese arts here, after all you claim Daito Ryu (protection of a family), so you really should get this. We can do the same thing with arts from anywhere else, you know.
Okay, you're willing to be wrong... so, after you were immediately corrected, and given example after example of how wrong you are, why are you still trying to argue?
No, but if someone is wrong, they are wrong. If their ideas show a lack of understanding, it shows a lack of understanding. If their comments show flawed understandings, they show flawed understandings. The little comment about arts being different, therefore wrong is just another example, by the way. Using karate power generation when doing Wing Chun is wrong... but karate power generation in karate isn't.
Do forgive this, but that does come across rather disingenuously...