So, you are saying that there is no way to stop a meglomaniacal, insane President until his term is up.
See, here is what I mean. If he really is an "insane meglomaniac," I mean REALLY, then he could be impeached. Since he isn't, then we have to assume that as unpopular and possibly as bad as he is, he isn't bad enough for impeachment.
Of course, another option is that he really is "insane" or "Crooked" or whatever, and Congress is to weak willed to pursue an impeachment. If that is true, then this is a Congress that we should not trust to make decisons, and that means we need to do some house cleaning on voting day. I digress here, because I don't really believe that this is completely true.
And, it also seems you are saying that any who wish to end a futile war, started by the insane bastard at the top, are cowards and traitors.
I needed to isolate this point to be CLEAR that I am not saying that at all. I think I have been clear on this, but I will say it again,
I am not saying that people who are against the war are cowards or traitors or even unpatriotic. I am saying that people who are willing to try to use a strategy to end the war that would involve further risking the lives of our soldiers on the ground is morally corrupt.
It doesn't matter what the citizenry think, or want to have happen. They must live with their bad decision, for at least four years. Probably longer, because of the nature of the political hiring.
Well, Congresses power is limited once permission is granted, which is why that decision needs to be taken a lot more seriously then it was. And yes, if you make a decision, you have to live with the consequences. Some of these overprivledged buffons in office (on all sides and branches) forget that there is an element of personal responsability that you can't talk or buy your way out of.
Seems to me, that there should be some other check on a Unitary Executive.
You are possibly correct here. It would be something I would entertain. The difficulty here is that this check couldn't tip the balance in such a way that it would make Congress too powerful. This is important to our security because as I mentioned, the opinions in congress sway with the polls. The way it is right now, we are safeguarded from that volitility. So with whatever changes were made, these safeguards would have to continue.
Good soldiers they may be, but bad leaders do them a dis-service, I believe.
Here is something that we both agree on.