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sheldon bedell
-MT Mod
i don't believe any rules have been broken. if stating a simple and obvious fact is wrong, then i'm a sinner.
I pop into the techniques discussion section every couple days, unfortunately it is underused in comparison to the rest of the board...
I think that it would be fair and correct to consider Martial Talk and Bullshio as being on opposite ends of the spectrum as far as online martial arts forums go.
Bester said:
RMA was once the place to get serious info, but the last few years with the decline of quality on USENET has seen a few loudmouth toughguys run roughshod over the place.

It's a cesspool. But, on almost all martial arts (and other) discussion sites, there's an initial phase of on-topic discussion followed by an extended phase of, as they say on rma, martial artists discussing things, not discussion of the martial arts. E-Budo is a notable exception to this trend.

Heck, I still post on a newsgroup for a sitcom that ended 10 years ago. It's just a social group now.
Ebudo has some good solid information, but it's also not immune to the "chit chat" syndrome. It also has always struck me as rather "cliquish" in that if you don't train in Japan, it's hard to be taken seriously on there.

RMA is worse than a cesspool. If you like Bullshido's anything goes attitude, you would love RMA. Anonymous loudmouths swearing up a storm, talking about your mother and farm animals, and no annoying moderators to tell you to "play nice" or "grow up" or "act like you at least have some manners". Nope, all argument, all the time. RMA, what a great place. Oh, lets not forget the occational porn pic too.

I'll stay here. It's not perfect, but at least I can debate with intellegent lifeforms, and not mudpit rejects.
Thread closed.

Forum Bashing

- No forum bashing.
This means all forum bashing is not tolerated.
Forum bashing is coming to MT and complaining about other forums, their rules, their moderators, their members, etc.

The truth is, there are way too many websites, too few good ones, and even fewer websites that are managed well and have a good community of people. Don't waste your time bashing the forums that are not run properly or to your liking; it's like throwing a rock at a tree inside of a forest. You'll just get tired and you won't have the energy to hit them all. If you have a problem with another forum, please deal with it there.
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