Bullshido: same old, same old

The attitude is hard to counter without the correct tools.
It’s an attitude I don’t care to counter. I find them generally unfriendly (with some notable exceptions). There was another site I used to spend time on that was the same way - often jumping to assume the worst motives behind things they didn’t like, rather than bothering to wonder if it really mattered or was actually causing harm. Often honest questions are met with confrontation and accusation. They can keep that crappiness.
It’s an attitude I don’t care to counter. I find them generally unfriendly (with some notable exceptions). There was another site I used to spend time on that was the same way - often jumping to assume the worst motives behind things they didn’t like, rather than bothering to wonder if it really mattered or was actually causing harm. Often honest questions are met with confrontation and accusation. They can keep that crappiness.

Where as for me. I get don't like the echo chamber.
Where as for me. I get don't like the echo chamber.
I'm not wild about an echo chamber, either. But I don't want dismissal and attack for honest questions and requests for input, paired with blind assumptions. What I want is reasoned response and input. I'm okay if it challenges my world view - I need a good bit of that from time to time. I just want it reasoned and generally respectful.
I'm not wild about an echo chamber, either. But I don't want dismissal and attack for honest questions and requests for input, paired with blind assumptions. What I want is reasoned response and input. I'm okay if it challenges my world view - I need a good bit of that from time to time. I just want it reasoned and generally respectful.

You would hate our club.
You would hate our club.
If the folks in your club assume the worst when someone asks a question, yes I would. If they mock people for wanting input from people they expect to disagree (to avoid the echo chamber), yes I would.

I doubt they're quite like that.