Bujinkan or Genbukan in south FL

Omar B

Senior Master
Alright guys. So I'm looking around for options since my Sensei is frequently traveling and thought I would pick up Bujinkan or Genbukan. All the dojos I come up with are either not really that close or if they are they have weird hours or no real location (like a Genbukan dojo with a listing in a public park). I'm in Coconut Creek, my zip is 33063 if that helps. I could have sworn I saw a Genbukan place in Coral Springs but I can't seem to job my memory to find it or find it online because that one would be pretty ideal.

Yes, it's an f-ing headache finding a good place.
Contact Henry Infante-shidoshi at shidoshi@strugglewithit.com. He will be able to point you to a Bujinkan school. (Although he teaches in a park himself...) I am 99% sure that there is at least one Buji in Coconut Creek, unless they closed down after I left there a year ago.... (Tell him Don Bell sent you to him.)

Good luck with your search.
Thanks a lot. I've been in a search for a permanent place to train for the past few weeks. I'm healthy again after my car accident last November, but in that time my Sensei's time has gotten more precious since the new year (I used to meet with him privately) so that's a bit impractical.

I'll be sure to contact him. This thing with the Genbukan school in Coral Springs is driving me crazy though, I know for a fact I saw it but can find no listing for it at all and I'm sure I totally put it out of my mind because I was training full time with my sensei then.
Yeah Chris, I saw that one. The closest one to me "Yatate Dojo" is the one in the park, it's 22 miles North of me and I work 20 south from where I live, adds up to a long commute to not be going to be standing outside.
That's great to know DB. A group meeting in a park makes it tough though, I have to mesh my working schedule with the meeting schedule or no class. At most dojo I could show up for regular class, or just show up when I'm free.
You could drive 30 miles and train at the Harukaze Dojo with Kyoshi Gary Giamboi in Lake Worth. His dojo isn't an outdoor dojo, and he's one of the highest ranked Genbukan dojo-cho in North America. I would also contact Aaron Gilmore, who is the dojo-cho of the Yatate dojo, and express your concerns about training outside.
Cool, I'll do that. I'm just so surprised at the dearth of great schools down here in FL. CC pointed me in the way of a Kenpo school in West Palm and I visited a Hapkido place in Hollywood which was also great.