Bugatti shoot


Purple Belt
Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
The Netherlands
A dream came reality recently as i got the chance to shoot a car that i wanted to see for a loooong time.

More of the shoot: here It was my first shoot with my new canon sx10is so i need to work on quite some things.
Any feedback would be really helpful ;)
Overall the shots are good :) Make sure that when you shoot...that your reflection isnt on the subect. Looks like in a couple shots your camera exposed for the highlights which made the rest of the photo somewhat dark, in other shots you lost detail in the car due to overexposing, but like I said overall the shots are good, sometimes its hard when a suject is right next to a huge window. I would do some more post processing though and really pop the colors out, the photos seem to be a little on the flat side.
I had the reflection issue before at another dealership with even more and bigger windows.
At some low or high angles the issue is a bit smaller but overall it's a nasty problem...
Understandable, sometimes reflections just cant be helped, but with creative positioning on YOUR part you wont have them in awkward areas, but for yourself as the reflection....always shoot a little to the side or step back and zoom in so you arent in the shot ;)
Wow, great shots.

I think you can use the reflection to your advantage... Because of the stark lighting contrast in shot#3, I know it would look great if you scooped out the background (and the little grassy bit in the window) in your Photoshop and left the image freestanding on white background - would love to see that :)

I am positively perspiring to think of having a vroom in that beastie! Did you get to sit in it? Hear it roar? Must go, people are looking at me doing the "sounds" ha! :D Great pics, well done :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Nice shots, and a sweet car. If you're using the built in flash, try holding a little tisue paper over it to soften the light a bit.
Did you get to sit in it? Hear it roar?

The car was locked and the dealer wouldn't open it... :(

I'm affraid that if i'm gonna witness the start of this beast i'm gonna need a floormop to get rid of all the drool.... ;)