Redid my websites

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Did a revamp of my website, well, one of them. When I started I used it as a port for everything I do, kept it that way the last few redos. This time, decided to use it to just focus on the stuff I do for enjoyment, not work. So I moved the work stuff to some other sites.

New focus is on models, military stuff (planes, tanks and battlefields), landscapes and waterfalls, and more artistic things.

Love some feedback.

Still got some rough edged and kinks to work out. Also, anyone using Wordpress, I'd love some suggestions on must-have plug ins.

MartialArts related shooting is now centralized at and

Be nice. The owner of at least 1 set of those guns also owns enough blades to arm a Phalanx.

So, other than the couple of nude pics, whatta you think?
I like the layout. I liked the old one too (which calls into question the need for change -- Oh, lord, now I sound like a conservative) but it's nice. Well organized and easy to find the various pages.
Part of it was me never really being happy with the previous design. I threw it together because I was sick of the one prior, and trying to consolidate things. When I started pushing the martial arts shoots more, I was getting negative feedback when people would visit my site and see models, not karate chops. I've pretty much refocused my martial arts work to their own domains, and my commercial work is at it's own site, so I was left with this either being a 'best of' portfolio, or a full redo. Been racking my brains for weeks on how to focus it though, and I decided to aim at the stuff that I really love. Don't get me wrong, I can shoot awesome portraits still and enjoy doing it, but I narrowed my focus here to the stuff I could just do forever even if there wasn't any pay in it. :)