
We're changing from 4 degrees yesterday to snow coming in tonight and dropping 15 inches by noon tomorrow. At least it'll be a day off from work, along with the rest of the state.
I could really get used to not going to school!!! woo!!! No School today!!! hehe. I love the snow.
Originally posted by edhead2000
The funny thing is that I have to dress to go to school, not to go outside. You see, the classrooms at school are kept about the same temperature, if not a little below, what the outside temperature feels like (including wind chill). So this means that in the morning, I say to myself...."Well, it's going to be 10 degrees, so that means the classroom will be about 5 degrees.......ok, 3 layers today."

My logic (which I admit is never usually logically) is this: If it's freezing outside, it should be warm inside.

Shenandoah's logic: If it's freezing outside, the students will dress warmly. Therefore, we shall keep the inside of all building the same as the outside temperature. This way we use the students own clothes as a means of heat and we don't have to waste their tuition money on it. This means more money for the school......muhahahahaha.

It is an evil conspiracy.

:shrug: Sounds like Shepherd.

And in Turner they must bloody want us to dress in layers just to use the bathroom!
It'll be icky the rest of the week. yay.

but at least the IT pplz got off their arses and actually FIXED the problem w/ the network on campus!
25 inches of snow. Two snow days for a teacher. 20 below tonight. You gotta love the northland der hey.
Well, if you all want to see some beautiful weather, you should come down to South Florida. The coldest its been has probably been the upper 40's and thats at night. During the day we usually have weather some where in the mid to upper 70's. Let me put it another way, I'm a born and raised South Floridian that has never seen snow. I'd probably freak out in some of the kinds of weather that y'all are describing.
Sunday was NOT a good day to be a truck driver. Snow, ice, freezing rain. Monday night was actually worse due to snow melting a little during the day and refreezing as black ice. My supervisors, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that it would be a great idea to have me train a new driver the next 2 weeks. He is straight out of trucking school with zero driving experience so it only makes sense to turn him loose in the middle of the night in foul weather in West Virginia and SW Virginia:shrug: If the next photo I post of myself has me completely grey headed you'll know what happened.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
And in Turner they must bloody want us to dress in layers just to use the bathroom!

If the school is so cold, your pee will just freeze inside of you and then you won't need to use the bathroom. Therefore, they don't have to pay for water/sewer and they make more money, cause we keep paying more and more and they keep using less and less. I say we revolt!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
but at least the IT pplz got off their arses and actually FIXED the problem w/ the network on campus!

Now that IS a miracle!
Originally posted by upnorthkyosa
25 inches of snow.

I'm moving up there! If we ever got 25 inches of snow, they'd cancel class for the rest of the year!
last year we got three whole days off for the blizzard...then somehow they thought people would park cars on top of each other so we could attend class....suurrrreeee....needless to say I didn't go to any classes that whole week...:D
Originally posted by LadyDragon
I'm a born and raised South Floridian that has never seen snow.

If you give me your address, I'd be more than happy to indulge you.
Originally posted by Chronuss
last year we got three whole days off for the blizzard...then somehow they thought people would park cars on top of each other so we could attend class....suurrrreeee....needless to say I didn't go to any classes that whole week...:D

I learned a little secret last year. The Vice President for Academic Affairs (aka, the one who cancels school) at SU is from Cali and drives a miata........therefore, even just a threat of snow will get us out of class, hehe.
Originally posted by Chronuss
last year we got three whole days off for the blizzard...then somehow they thought people would park cars on top of each other so we could attend class....suurrrreeee....needless to say I didn't go to any classes that whole week...:D

...and while the snow piled up and was dangerous to drive, they tried clearing out all the cars from that lot by the dining hall....not their fault if buried cars get plowed in.
Originally posted by edhead2000
I say we revolt!

but some of us are already revolting...they decided to ditch the idea of having in-building trash chutes, and some are too lazy to walk out to a dumpster and leave the food right where it is...uck...
I especially liked the idea of them plowing the roads and blocking off parking spaces whilst classes were occurring....:soapbox:
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
but some of us are already revolting...they decided to ditch the idea of having in-building trash chutes, and some are too lazy to walk out to a dumpster and leave the food right where it is...uck...

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