
yay! no walking home in the freezing cold after work...just walking there at 9:30 am....0.o

plus! i get free food cuz me mum be comin down...and i finally get my cell phone charger! *happy dance*
this snow/freezing rain/sleet nonsense is for the birds....I wanna go back to Key's five o' clock somewhere, damnit! :drinkbeer

...but it's 36 as compared to 26....despite the snow flurries today...
Gonna be in the 20's this week!

WhooHoo...Bikini Weather! :rofl:
I walked 'cross campus last night at like midnight...jeezus...walked back at like 1 or 2 w/ my friends Spring and Jameson...and the latter did it w/out shoes...
The funny thing is that I have to dress to go to school, not to go outside. You see, the classrooms at school are kept about the same temperature, if not a little below, what the outside temperature feels like (including wind chill). So this means that in the morning, I say to myself...."Well, it's going to be 10 degrees, so that means the classroom will be about 5 degrees.......ok, 3 layers today."

My logic (which I admit is never usually logically) is this: If it's freezing outside, it should be warm inside.

Shenandoah's logic: If it's freezing outside, the students will dress warmly. Therefore, we shall keep the inside of all building the same as the outside temperature. This way we use the students own clothes as a means of heat and we don't have to waste their tuition money on it. This means more money for the school......muhahahahaha.

It is an evil conspiracy.'s snowing now....schools're closed...'cept the college...they think I'm gonna drive they can go warm their toes in hell....:angry:

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