
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
I ran into that in London over the summer, except in reverse. I had jeans and a sweatshirt on b/c I was cold, but it was a heat wave there so people had on the shorts and short sleeve was only about 75 F...:rolleyes:
I did that when I transferred out of Gtmo Bay. I got on the plane in Cuba in 96 deg weather, stepped off the plane in Norfolk Va to 30 deg weather. During my 3 years in Cuba the mean temp was 92. It hit 76 at one point and anyone who had been there more than 6 months was scrambling to find the jackets we had packed away when we transferred in.
Originally posted by theletch1
I did that when I transferred out of Gtmo Bay. I got on the plane in Cuba in 96 deg weather, stepped off the plane in Norfolk Va to 30 deg weather. During my 3 years in Cuba the mean temp was 92. It hit 76 at one point and anyone who had been there more than 6 months was scrambling to find the jackets we had packed away when we transferred in.

I stepped outta the airport when i got back in the states and it was so much warmer than in England....
Originally posted by oldnewbie
Well, I thought all I had to do was leave my sunny Florida for Philly for next week (highs of 30...yuck ), but now I have to contend with the Eagle fans as well!... Might just hide in the hotel bar....;)

Yeah, there was a fire during a tailgate party, wasn't there? :p

Enjoy Philly!
The car was completely frosted over this morning. Last week I bent my key trying to find a door that wasn't stuck with a frozen lock. One door out of the four could be opened from the outside.
Hehehe....Dude, you should know better. :)

My cars under a foot of snow, and will stay there until it thaws, or someone buys it. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Hehehe....Dude, you should know better. :)

My cars under a foot of snow, and will stay there until it thaws, or someone buys it. :)
Sell the snow, keep the car.
Yesterday when I got up it was +29F with the windchill at +18F. This morning, 24 hours later, it's -22F and the windchill is -40F. I'm not impressed. I'm wearing like 4 layers for my walk to school today.
Originally posted by Quick Sand
Yesterday when I got up it was +29F with the windchill at +18F. This morning, 24 hours later, it's -22F and the windchill is -40F. I'm not impressed. I'm wearing like 4 layers for my walk to school today.

Gotta love those Hudson Bay high pressure systems.
Stopped snowing here about an hour ago, more crud to shovel after work. :mad: It was below 0 when I left this morning and with the wind, they are estimating -30 to -40 by nighttime. Only 20 more weeks till spring. :rolleyes:
We had a rain and snow mix last night with no accumulation. The danger here now is the wind. I scaled my truck out at around 65,000lbs last night and on several occasions had gusts of wind move the truck from one lane to another while I was driving.
well the Weather experts *rolls eyes* said the snow was to start at 8.. then changed it to 9 p.m., which was accurate.. but luckily they were calling for up to 4" and we got but 1/4"... which is melting quickly.. 'They' are calling for a nasty wind chill advisory through friday.. so bundle up~!!!

*grumbling now about the frigid winds*
Originally posted by KenpoTess

*grumbling now about the frigid winds*

Lemme tell you about those winds!

...i walked to the Peace Frogs store to find out when I'm working next, and boy is my face red from the wind! Turns out, I'm walkin there again on Saturday...thankfully, it's maybe a half an hour walk...and I won't forget my scarf again...
yes....we got a massive quarter inch of the white stuff in CT, too....boy...those meteorologists sure know how to call it...:rofl:
It is cold enough outside that I dont even look a the temp anymore. When I get so cold that my hands are numb after about 7 steps and I'm wearing gloves thats to cold for me to enjoy doing anything outside
Originally posted by Chronuss
yes....we got a massive quarter inch of the white stuff in CT, too....boy...those meteorologists sure know how to call it...:rofl:

What are you doing in CT?

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