Broken Gift, Gift of Destiny etc..

I must have meant why do they fit there? I see the "family" relations but is that it?

yes.....thundering hammers has 32 techniques under its Master Key position.

Not just the groupings but also angles and actions.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Broken Gift and Gift of Destiny are subs under the Master Key "Thundering Hammers"..


OK, everyone else seems to know what you mean and I don't, which is kinda worrying..subs? Master key?

I don't think we do this bit (something else I'm missing no doubt...!), can you type me a little crash course or give me a link, I'm not going to know what people are talking about otherwise :(

It's all very well studying Kenpo Ryu, but rather than mentioning these things so we can go and find out about them for ourselves, they just never mention them at all!


Master Keys refer to the use of one "key" (like in a hotel or office building) that may open many doors. There are several "Master Keys" pertaining to different things.... such as Techniques (as we are talking here) or Master Key Training drills etc. "Subs" or sub-categories are other similar techniques that the Master Key is related to.

I hope to some day understand just what the heck y'all are
talking about! :)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Master Keys refer to the use of one "key" (like in a hotel or office building) that may open many doors. There are several "Master Keys" pertaining to different things.... such as Techniques (as we are talking here) or Master Key Training drills etc. "Subs" or sub-categories are other similar techniques that the Master Key is related to.


OK, that makes sense...

So the idea is that these 'master keys', such as Thundering Hammers, once understood, should aid in understanding the techniques under them (in this case Broken Gift etc.)?

Hmm, I guess in that case I ought to learn to love Thundering Hammers a bit more then! The first 4 parts are OK, but then ending (on our version anyway) is dire :(

Are these 'keys' and such like laid down somewhere so that I may study them? Mind you, I suppose they're in the Inifinite Insights series which is out of print, a lot of stuff seems to be in there.

It's not so much the handshake you are worried's what ever is coming next. Just like all the push and grab techniques. If it was just a push/grab, you could just let the person push/grab you and then walk away. Now that's not very realistic is it. So in order to define the response you first have to define the attack. A realistic attack gets a realistic response. For example take Alternating Maces...the push is just the first attempt at contact. If the push is successfull then maybe a punch, knee, or some kind of lock/hold could come next. Instead of allowing that we attack the attack...Deflect, Dominate, Destroy. We imediately shut down the attack before it gets started.

Personally I think the term self-defense is a bit of a misnomer. It gives the impression of a give and take, an ebb and flow. When you train with someone who has the Attack the Attack mindset instead of the self-defense mindset it opens up a whole new world of kenpo. I sort of got off on a rant but I hope that helps some.
Originally posted by Self_Destruct

It's not so much the handshake you are worried's what ever is coming next. Just like all the push and grab techniques. If it was just a push/grab, you could just let the person push/grab you and then walk away. Now that's not very realistic is it. So in order to define the response you first have to define the attack. A realistic attack gets a realistic response. For example take Alternating Maces...the push is just the first attempt at contact. If the push is successfull then maybe a punch, knee, or some kind of lock/hold could come next. Instead of allowing that we attack the attack...Deflect, Dominate, Destroy. We imediately shut down the attack before it gets started.

Personally I think the term self-defense is a bit of a misnomer. It gives the impression of a give and take, an ebb and flow. When you train with someone who has the Attack the Attack mindset instead of the self-defense mindset it opens up a whole new world of kenpo. I sort of got off on a rant but I hope that helps some.

Maybe you could explain more about Deflect, dominate, and destroy as it applies to the handshake... sounds interesting.

Originally posted by Rainman

Maybe you could explain more about Deflect, dominate, and destroy as it applies to the handshake... sounds interesting.


Well, I'll do my best. Obviously we don't deflect the actual handshake we deflect the attack. Like I mentioned earlier in my previous post, it's not so much the actual handshake/grab we're worried about it's what ever comes next. The attack starts with the handshake...we immediately deflect the attack by stopping his ability to continue his attack by for example immediately canceling his height/width. We dominite by continuing our attack by penetrating his depth zones and physically dominating all dimensions. And destroy can be anything it has to be...from destroying his ability to stand up and running away to something extreme as killing him if need be. I hope that was what you were looking for...I'm short on time and thats all I can type right now. I'd be happy to discuss it further at another time if there's anything else.
Originally posted by Self_Destruct

Well, I'll do my best. Obviously we don't deflect the actual handshake we deflect the attack. Like I mentioned earlier in my previous post, it's not so much the actual handshake/grab we're worried about it's what ever comes next. The attack starts with the handshake...we immediately deflect the attack by stopping his ability to continue his attack by for example immediately canceling his height/width. We dominite by continuing our attack by penetrating his depth zones and physically dominating all dimensions. And destroy can be anything it has to be...from destroying his ability to stand up and running away to something extreme as killing him if need be. I hope that was what you were looking for...I'm short on time and thats all I can type right now. I'd be happy to discuss it further at another time if there's anything else.

Is deflect, dominate, destroy used as a supplement to divert sieze control disarm or a replacement? I think deflect may also be used to describe misalignment of bone and muscle. Sometimes a squeeze may act as a warning and the deflection would be in reference to romoving bracing angles and strength factors. Dominate would be gaseous expansion and control on dimensional zones (pretty much the beginning of the end) destroy is easy. Is deflect, dominate, destroy used universally as in armed vs unarmed, unarmed vs. unarmed etc? It doesn't say about controlling angle of versitility as does divert sieze control disarm. Interesting stuff keep it going.

Well a "slip" might work well for the ladies... But what do the men wear to avoid an attack???? :rofl:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

deflection is only one means of avoiding attack... what about a slip!
