Sorry if it was vauge.
Say you are being tackled. They might be going for your legs or hips. And say they made contact and you are falling with them but he does not yet have a solid hold.
The idea is, once they dive for you and make contact, how to keep them from getting in. And yes, break contact with them.
Eye gouge? Kick them off you. Windpipe grab? Hair grab?
Alot of people are not strong enough to grapple against a fit young man who knows. So they need a strategy to stop the other guy from getting them into a lock and get off the ground.
I still suggest the sprawl.
At the end of the day, as has been mentioned by many, you really need to get to some grappling schools and train/learn with experienced grapplers. The experienced grapplers will not leave themselves open to attacks from you when they clinch or go for the takedown, unlike a novice rugby tackle (for example).
All the theories in the world sound good, but application and drilling techs is the best way to see what will and won't work for you. Everyone is different and will respond differently to your defence, be it an eye gouge, elbow strike, whatever.
To keep from going down in the first place, learn the sprawl and learn it well. Then learn the next step as plan B. and so on.
Hope this helps