Boxing Then vs Now

It's not a video, it's a website. Try this.

Did you not spot the vid top left hand corner :D Link took me to a different page. Anyway got this after clicking. Oh dear another so called SD site. Those can answer would not need it. Quite funny.
Self defence site? I don't think we are looking at the same thing lol. The link I put up is a promotion company for bare knuckle fights. There's a lot of talk about bare knuckle fighting in the UK, lots of stuff about how illegal it is, how dangerous, it gives it some sort of spurious glamour lol but really it's just unlicensed boxing ( there's plenty of fight nights where boxers wear gloves too). it really isn't as exciting or as 'dangerous' as many make out. it's a big thing with the travellers of course and they like to make out they are the kings of it etc, but as I said it's just boxing.
Self defence site? I don't think we are looking at the same thing lol. The link I put up is a promotion company for bare knuckle fights. There's a lot of talk about bare knuckle fighting in the UK, lots of stuff about how illegal it is, how dangerous, it gives it some sort of spurious glamour lol but really it's just unlicensed boxing ( there's plenty of fight nights where boxers wear gloves too). it really isn't as exciting or as 'dangerous' as many make out. it's a big thing with the travellers of course and they like to make out they are the kings of it etc, but as I said it's just boxing.
I tried the link Transk was referring to. It has been disabled. All you need to do is put in "Bbad Youtube" and you get a whole heap of videos coming up.
That's odd because my link went through to the website not any videos!
The video link is on the left side of the website and even if you go into the videos they won't play, at least not for me on an iPad.
Well I didn't mean you to watch the videos lol I meant you to read the website! Dear me, you can't get the staff these days! :penguin:
Self defence site? I don't think we are looking at the same thing lol. The link I put up is a promotion company for bare knuckle fights. There's a lot of talk about bare knuckle fighting in the UK, lots of stuff about how illegal it is, how dangerous, it gives it some sort of spurious glamour lol but really it's just unlicensed boxing ( there's plenty of fight nights where boxers wear gloves too). it really isn't as exciting or as 'dangerous' as many make out. it's a big thing with the travellers of course and they like to make out they are the kings of it etc, but as I said it's just boxing.

No, it is not Boxing. Bare Knuckle is what it is. Boxing no way. Pugilism is something intrinsic, you either feel or you don't. That is the purist thought here. No, Boxing is unique, simplicity in movement coupled with pace, power and precision.
Well I didn't mean you to watch the videos lol I meant you to read the website! Dear me, you can't get the staff these days! :penguin:

Okay so you noticed lol. Yes I have read some of it, I will read some more on it. However I doubt my own personal viewpoint will change.
Well I didn't mean you to watch the videos lol I meant you to read the website! Dear me, you can't get the staff these days! :penguin:
That's a bit like your mum putting a freshly baked cake on the table and saying "it's not for you".

You're such a tease! :p
No, it is not Boxing. Bare Knuckle is what it is. Boxing no way. Pugilism is something intrinsic, you either feel or you don't. That is the purist thought here. No, Boxing is unique, simplicity in movement coupled with pace, power and precision.

I can't agree though, it was bare knuckle long before it was fancy gloves. The fancy gloves, I believe and the rules came about because the toffs didn't want to get marked when they boxed. It's like Jujutsu before Judo, with the 'interesting' bits taken out to sanitise it. My father taught me to box when I was a kid, he used to box in the army and would help Freddie Mills out with sparring etc. It's skilful enough but with the wrapped hands in the gloves it's not as brave a s bare knuckle, it's more dangerous too as I've said. If you think there's not skill in bare knuckle I assure you there is.
I can't agree though, it was bare knuckle long before it was fancy gloves. The fancy gloves, I believe and the rules came about because the toffs didn't want to get marked when they boxed. It's like Jujutsu before Judo, with the 'interesting' bits taken out to sanitise it. My father taught me to box when I was a kid, he used to box in the army and would help Freddie Mills out with sparring etc. It's skilful enough but with the wrapped hands in the gloves it's not as brave a s bare knuckle, it's more dangerous too as I've said. If you think there's not skill in bare knuckle I assure you there is.

Yeah well, I have never seen a bout. Hey I see the point you are making, but not.
I can't agree though, it was bare knuckle long before it was fancy gloves. The fancy gloves, I believe and the rules came about because the toffs didn't want to get marked when they boxed. It's like Jujutsu before Judo, with the 'interesting' bits taken out to sanitise it. My father taught me to box when I was a kid, he used to box in the army and would help Freddie Mills out with sparring etc. It's skilful enough but with the wrapped hands in the gloves it's not as brave a s bare knuckle, it's more dangerous too as I've said. If you think there's not skill in bare knuckle I assure you there is.

I fear I disagree and agree with both of you. ;-) The various videos I have seen up of "bare knuckle boxing" is indeed just unsanctioned modern boxing. And I have seen footage where they were wearing regular boxing gloves and it looked like any other boxing bout. Now, this is not to say it is necessarily "good" boxing! But it is not the bare knuckle boxing of John L Sullivan's day. They are not using the techniques and methods of "old school boxing" that existed before modern boxing. This is simply modern boxing without gloves. And most of these guys wouldn't stand a chance against a pro boxer.
I fear I disagree and agree with both of you. ;-) The various videos I have seen up of "bare knuckle boxing" is indeed just unsanctioned modern boxing. And I have seen footage where they were wearing regular boxing gloves and it looked like any other boxing bout. Now, this is not to say it is necessarily "good" boxing! But it is not the bare knuckle boxing of John L Sullivan's day. They are not using the techniques and methods of "old school boxing" that existed before modern boxing. This is simply modern boxing without gloves. And most of these guys wouldn't stand a chance against a pro boxer.

I agree on the boxing side of things, hence my silly humour above. However not to demean Tez also. The vid I posted just seems like a bunch of blokes up for a brawl. Nothing wrong with that at all, just the way I see it

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