"Boxing: The Martial Artist's Reality Check"

Originally posted by Infight
About Tyson, wouldnt be a calm time facing him, but unfortunatly he doesnt pratice anything on ground, thats a great flaw! I think any guy with at least purple belt in BJJ or equivalent in Wrestling or Sambo or something similar (with the same weight that he has ) can defeat him.

Just out of curiosity, have you ever expressed yor opinions about othe martial arts to your BJJ instructor? I think we'd all be curious to hear what he would have to say about this kind of thing.
actualy, infight you don't know wht he practices.. It doesn't take much knowledge of grappling/groundfighting to negate a grapplers ability.. Maurice Smith winning the UFC I think is proof of that.. at the time he had very little grappling ability.

In a combined fight you have to be able to maximise your strengths, that's why some grapplers can beat out an "equaly" skilled striker.. But if the striker's smart and so is the grappler things are alot diffrent.
I have to disagree with you when Mo Smith fought Colemen the fight I imgine that you are talking about he was training with very good fighters the Shamrocks Tk and others. He was very good on the ground and even still he was getting handled by Coleman till he got tired. Also Coleman was never finished in that fight, not only that Colemans has never been known as a finisher, He takes you down and pounds you that is his game.
Originally posted by Infight
HAHAHA, Good joke! A praying mantis defeating a Boxer, my white belt BJJ cousin 14 years old can defeat a praying mantis praticioner. If what are you saying is true, show any proof, like photo, related link, that it happened in any place in our galaxy!
About Tyson, wouldnt be a calm time facing him, but unfortunatly he doesnt pratice anything on ground, thats a great flaw! I think any guy with at least purple belt in BJJ or equivalent in Wrestling or Sambo or something similar (with the same weight that he has ) can defeat him.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i only ever met one or two martial artists that train as hard as boxers do. one was dougie and hes a boxer as far as i am concerned who went out to learn other stuff to fight in more ways than boxing. the other was a guy who is dougies coach for wrestling i think. all the other guys who showed up at the gym or i met were pretty much guys who sucked and thought they could fight but never put what they were learning into use. all that chopping the air must be fun but when you never practice what you learn i guess it's useless. i cant complain though because the lumping on them was fun. what bugged me was listening to them talk after about how if it was a real fight they would have done this or that. guess what. it was a real fight and you got your butt kicked.
i know exactly how you feel JDenz. its enough to make you laugh. if i ever came back to active competition it would be to ufc stuff because for me i see its boxing added to real fighting. i did boxing and a lot of these tie kwon doe guys who would come in made me laugh. i was talking to Dougie last night about this board and he had a laugh about some people here. i told him about some of the karate guys here and he sent me this in my e-mail.

>From:[email protected]
>To:[email protected]

>Tell them that there are plenty of amateur mma tournaments >they can enter or boxing gyms they can walk into. No one is >stopping them. It's not our responsibility to go trekking halfway >across the ****ing country every time some whiner says his >style can beat an NHB fighter or Boxer.

>Tell them, "we beat you and beat you and you still circle us like >gnats, shouting things like 'a REAL master would kill you!' or 'our >style is for the street!'"

>How many times do we have to crush them like puny ants?
>It's getting boring and takes away from our own training time.

>If that doesn't ruffle some of their feathers it's only because >they realized the truth.
Heh, and the Muay Thai guys think they can kick the crap out of the boxers... and the boxers think they can kick the crap outta TKD... and the grapplers think they can beat all the striking arts... bunch of arrogant pompous windbags all of you..... but half my friends are these pompous arrogant windbags so you learn to love them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
lol well it isn't very far to make a tkd guy go to the gym and put on the gloves, If you do it is testing there boxing. And I am sure that some tkd guys would win but boxers train to be hit. It takes a special person to be a boxer.
We really should not put down other martial arts. It is not that boxing or any one martial art is better than the next, but it is the training methods employed (i.e. medium to hard contact).

Like JDenz said, it takes a special person to be a boxer. It is a rough sport. I trained at a gym for a few months and it for certain was the most painful, yet enlightening months of my life. You develop mental toughness, you get in phenomenal shape, and you develop that elusive quality that the Japanese call 'fudoshin' (composure under fire).

When someone is chasing you around the ring trying to knock your block off, adrenaline is going to be racing through your veins. It is beneficial to feel that rush because you'll learn that when you're under the influence (of adrenaline), your fine motor skills are non-existent. That in itself will help you realize that it is best to stick to the basics and keep things simple. You'll also learn to not freeze up, because if you do, you will get lumped up.

Peace & blessings,
Like MuayThaiPerson said. Fist are the primary weapons, thats why i cross train in boxing. TKD, honostly, i dont care what you guys say but its like the wost ***** ever. If you guys ever really got down, you'd kno that theres no fancy kick and crap like that. its all about speed and evasion and staying on your feet. another thing, boxing is not a martial art, its a sport. i dont know how the hell people can say boxing is a martial art. have u heard anyone calling a boxer a martial artist?
well if boxing is not a martial art then why do you find many armys around the world training and accepting the sport as part of their training and activly encouraging it. boxing is a martial art just because the sport versions do not include other combat uses dont think that boxers dont know how to fight dirty. i was talking with my friend the other day and he was telling me that he saw in a martial arts magazine a video about how to fight dirty using boxing tehniques. there is the sport and the fighting aspect just that even in our sport we are tougher than most martial arts guys. but i have to say that boxing is dangerous because you cant treat your body like that and train that way forever. those martial arts guys who fight hard but learn to train so they dont burn out there body have something there.