"Boxing: The Martial Artist's Reality Check"

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Lets just forget this whole crap and focus on the thread, shall we?

Actually I'd like to hear more about your "fantasies of superduper lightingbolt shooting chi powers" That sounds more interesting.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Actually I'd like to hear more about your "fantasies of superduper lightingbolt shooting chi powers" That sounds more interesting.

Well you thought it up, and you tend to think only yourslef as interesting so it should be to you. Now for the rest of us who are actually interested in discussing MA, your turning this into an unpleasent thread, can we please forget what "squabbles" might have happened and move on with the subject matter? After 33 or so years of your life and you can't let things go that truly don't matter? You must be a good fighter, I can only imagine you get lots of practice.

Look, seriously, I've PM'd you and all, lets stop this crap and let the thread go back to its original subject matter, can we? I'm not going to stoop to arguing and personal attacks because of personal opinions, that is the type of people I am trying to prove foolish with MA. Last time, would you please lay off, so we can get back to mature adult discussion on this thread?

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Now for the rest of us who are actually interested in discussing MA, your turning this into an unpleasent thread, can we please forget what "squabbles" might have happened and move on with the subject matter? After 33 or so years of your life and you can't let things go that truly don't matter?

Look, seriously, I've PM'd you and all, lets stop this crap and let the thread go back to its original subject matter, can we? Last time, would you please lay off, so we can get back to mature adult discussion on this thread?

I would but it's arrogant guys like you that make me wanna puke. Really. I looove how you found a way to insult me while asking me to stop. Brilliant.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
I'm not going to stoop to arguing and personal attacks

But yet you constantly do. In fact, in your PM you insulted me.

Here's the hint. Talk about the subject at hand. Then don't fly off the handle and post stuff that isn't fully true. Then we'll be ok.
Tim Hartman's snoring is bad!

For the longest time when I visited I thought he lived around the corner from a lumber mill.

How do you guys deal with that? Is he near the airport and he drowns them out? Ha ha ha!
Originally posted by GouRonin

I would but it's arrogant guys like you that make me wanna puke. Really. I looove how you found a way to insult me while asking me to stop. Brilliant.

Here's the hint. Talk about the subject at hand. Then don't fly off the handle and post stuff that isn't fully true. Then we'll be ok.

We'll be ok if you don't make assumptions that what I'm saying isn't fully true when you have no idea if it is or not. I'm sorry I came across as arrogant, I'm just confused as to why you think I'm the arrogant one when your sitting here determining the validity of what I say with no knowledge to back it up, thats my only issue with you Gou, so we'll put it behind us and agree to disagree, is that cool? I won't make assumptions about you and you refrain yourself from making them about me, and we'll just go on with the subjects at hand. Works for me.
I think we have convered this thread so I'll sign off now, I have enjoyed the stimulating discussion though.

Not knowing either of you I'm going to have to side with Gou. The fact that you cannot see your evasions even when they are pointed out to you indicates how poorly equipped you are to have this sort of discussion, 7.
Originally posted by Sharp Phil

Not knowing either of you I'm going to have to side with Gou. The fact that you cannot see your evasions even when they are pointed out to you indicates how poorly equipped you are to have this sort of discussion, 7.

Thats great there Phil, except that we have decided to just forget the whole argumentative thing and go on with serious subject matter. And I'm pretty sure we aren't trying to take sides here, so can we get back to the original subject of the post?

Boxing is good. Typically boxers, or individuals who train as boxers, usually are in pretty good shape and can usually take a punch pretty well. Sometimes they can even punch, too.
Martial arts are good. When viewed realistically, the techniques of the martial arts offer a response to virtually any physical altercation one may find oneself in. Some martial artists don't train very hard, or they don't know what it feels like to get hit hard(or at all). Some martial artists train really hard, with lots of hard sparring and cardio work and all kinds of training geared towards making them more capable fighters.
I would contend that it is the severity of the training, as opposed to the art being trained, that informs a fighter's effectiveness in combat (sure, being trained severly in Fireball-do or something won't help, but you get the idea).
And mods, could you erase the last four pages or so of this thread?
I don't see why the last 4 pages should be erased. Leave them where they stand.
But it's soooo BOOOORING!:rolleyes:

About fights going on for more than two hours: what about the old-timey bareknucklers who sometimes fought for hours and hours? The rounds weren't timed, but if one fighter got knocked down, either with a punch or through limited wrestling, that fighter then had thirty seconds to "come up to scratch" for the next round. I know it's not an all-out FIGHT fight, but the intensity was probably higher than that in a typical sparring session. The fighters often broke both hands (this was bare knuckle) but not every time...it would be cool to see how many fights of that era went for hours, and what the circumstances were (both fighters reduced to powder punching due to broken hands, one fighter dropping from exhaustion, etc.). But the human body is capable of some pretty amazing stuff).:asian:
Originally posted by kenposcum
But it's soooo BOOOORING!:rolleyes:

So doooon't read!

Originally posted by kenposcum
About fights going on for more than two hours: what about the old-timey bareknucklers who sometimes fought for hours and hours? The rounds weren't timed, but if one fighter got knocked down, either with a punch or through limited wrestling, that fighter then had thirty seconds to "come up to scratch" for the next round. I know it's not an all-out FIGHT fight, but the intensity was probably higher than that in a typical sparring session. The fighters often broke both hands (this was bare knuckle) but not every time...it would be cool to see how many fights of that era went for hours, and what the circumstances were (both fighters reduced to powder punching due to broken hands, one fighter dropping from exhaustion, etc.). But the human body is capable of some pretty amazing stuff).:asian:

I hear you about the human body and i would agree.

In the old boxing days they had 30 seconds or whatever decided time limit to get back up. This is where the expression "Toe The Line" came from. Originally boxing included throws and much more as well. However, 30 seconds can be a long time and a nice rest.
Besides for that I don't think even those tough SOB would fight like that for two hours for training and come out of it being able to train the next day.
I don't think most people could come out a a full speed fight/sparring match and be able to do much at all the next day!

hehe ummm this conversation has kind of wondered away from the original subject hasnt it

anybody remember what it started with
Originally posted by GouRonin
Why is it people don't think that there isn't a full compliment of dirty tricks boxers learn and can pull off in full force?

Why is it people think that that boxers can't translate their art to combat? After all, most martial artists don't practice their art in anything other than "What if" mode. Boxers do it.

Do you think boxers only punch to the head?

Why don't you drop down to your local boxing gym and explain your theory to them.
I agree

Boxing is as good as any other martial art. It depends on how you train it. But I've also seen boxers who slack off and throw outlandish combos and are usually just thrown off balance so it goes both ways.
Go to a boxing gym tell them you are a martial artist and see what they think of you. I mean they are for real.
Guys used to roll into the boxing gym when I was still working out there and often they would get into the ring and get an old fashioned @sswhuppin'.

The only guys that we totally respected were the kickboxers who shared the gym with us on alternate days.

One of the funniest things I ever saw/heard was a TKD guy trying to explain point fighting to us. Martial arts point fighting and boxing point fighting are not the same but they guy was talking about gloves touching etc etc. So when he got hit he'd stop and try to explain and the guy would be saying, "Yeah, my white section of the glove hit you! What's the problem? It's my point!"

The TKD guy tried to explain that they had to break when a point was scored and how the other guy should pull his punch. Finally the guys just looked up very confused and said, "Man, TKD is pretty stupid..."

I never laughed so hard.

Just to be honest I only use TKD because that was the one that stuck out in my memory. A lot of styles used to cruise by. So I'm not picking on TKD ok?