"Boxing: The Martial Artist's Reality Check"

Originally posted by GouRonin
Guys used to roll into the boxing gym when I was still working out there and often they would get into the ring and get an old fashioned @sswhuppin'.

I agree with you GouRonin. I started going to a boxing gym last October (2001) and it has been a real wake-up call. A lot of martial artists get used to 2-step sparring, point fighting, and having a compliant uke. When you have a motivated, aggressive foe in front of you who is trying to "put your head to bed," it is a totally different ball game.

If someone really wants to know what their made of, they need to get in the ring and mix it up from time to time, IMHO. This is the only way you can test your mettle and see if skills are up to par.

BTW, did you guys see the Mayorga/Forrest fight last Saturday? Mayorga is the new raging bull, huh?

Peace & blessings,
Ya most of those guys look at martial artest as kids playing a game. Any gym that has some guys that are fighting in it are hard core places. No time for games there.
Man, cant believe there is 7 Stars praying mantis praticioners out there! HAHAHAHA, i just found out one gym in my hole state, and just noticed it cause it was near my friends house, and the sifu of there made trouble with my friend, and i had to put him uncouncious. HAHAHAHa hilarious, i though this was some creation of a crazy brazilian try to earn some money with a brand new MA, but since this guys on post exist, there is more around the world, hahaha, hilarious!
7 stars, i sparred with boxers and got knocked down mmany times, there are monsters in their hands, i dont think any MA can defeat them that easly....i dont think fight Tyson is some wise thing to do (mostly if you are a sifu of 7 stars,lol), i must tell that i rather run away than face him.
All profissional guys train all days, so they got an excelent cardio, as a good movement, and appurated techniques, all of it 12 hours a day, resting only sundays. I dont think i simple praticioner of martial art cant be in shape as they are.
Most martial arts lack violence. They have techniques and kicks bbut their punches suck, and you cant make up for it using kicks. punchin is one of the most important things in combat. Muay Thai, i dont cosider it a MA...honostly. its more combat oriented. if a boxer went up against an MT guy, which ive seen....given the same weight, hieght and experience, the MT guy would mess up the boxer really bad. The reaason is because of the knees and elbows.

But, ive seen ju jitsu against boxnig, boxingn got messed up too. Boxing is not a martial art since theres just brute force. Its full contact and toughens you. MA just get you fast adn build technique, but if theres no real contact then its uselss

just my 2 cents
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
Boxing is not a martial art since theres just brute force. Its full contact and toughens you. MA just get you fast adn build technique, but if theres no real contact then its uselss
just my 2 cents

Keep your 2 cents. You're wrong. They don't call boxing "the sweet science" for nothing. It has plenty of technique and art to it. It's one of the few true western martial arts. (Ok, Fencing is too)
Dictionary.com defines "martial art" : martial art
Any of several Asian arts of combat or self-defense, such as aikido, karate, judo, or tae kwon do, usually practiced as sport. Often used in the plural.

boxing is western and is a sport rather than self defense
So any art that is not asian is not a martial art? Boxing is practiced as a self defense a lot. Just as much as many other arts. Just that the sport aspect is very popular. Just because it's western does not exclude it. Otherwise you'd have to exclude Savate, Russian Arts, South American Arts. etc.

Boxing is a martial art.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
Dictionary.com defines "martial art" : martial art
Any of several Asian arts of combat or self-defense, such as aikido, karate, judo, or tae kwon do, usually practiced as sport. Often used in the plural.

boxing is western and is a sport rather than self defense

Under the definition above Israeli Krav Maga would also be excluded as a Martial Art which would be, IMO, incorrect.

Hey, how about this definition from the Scholastic Dictionary instead:

"martial art noun A style of fighting or self-defense that comes mostly from the Far East; for example, judo or karate.
(note mostly, but not only from the Far East)

Boxing fits the profile and should be considered a Martial Art along with Krav Maga... :asian:
Any of several Asian arts of combat or self-defense, such as aikido, karate, judo, or tae kwon do, usually practiced as sport. Often used in the plural.

I supose *American* Kenpo isn't a martial art then? Thats an old definition thats in my Grandmother's college dictinary. The use of the phrase has changed a lot since then.
Originally posted by Elfan
I supose *American* Kenpo isn't a martial art then?

American Kenpo is principally Southern Chinese kung fu and hence would qualify. I do agree however that there is a semantic issue here--many people mean Oriental martial art when they say martial art, but in fact I think that boxing, wrestling, etc. qualify.

This raises an issue discussed on MartialTalk before--a martial art vs. a martial sport:

Wanna know if Boxe is a Martial Art? Here goes a tip, any Striker is invited to do that, go to a Boxe gym, face that monster of muscle and call them for a single fight til knockdown ( remember to take a doctor aside ), then go for it with any martial art you pratice (does not count grappling arts), then tell us the result.
I bet youre purple eye will tell us something, lol
If you have a shiner you're just showing your school colours. Just that good clubs have the school colours of "Black and Blue."
Originally posted by GouRonin
If you have a shiner you're just showing your school colours. Just that good clubs have the school colours of "Black and Blue."

Mine also has that real nice shade of deep purple and even some times the crimson of red blood. :)

Good School Colors all :D
Originally posted by GouRonin
If you have a shiner you're just showing your school colours. Just that good clubs have the school colours of "Black and Blue."

Yeah, my favorite MA belt color isn't black, it's a shade of purplish-redish-yellow... :eek:

Originally posted by Infight
Man, cant believe there is 7 Stars praying mantis praticioners out there! HAHAHAHA, i just found out one gym in my hole state, and just noticed it cause it was near my friends house, and the sifu of there made trouble with my friend, and i had to put him uncouncious. HAHAHAHa hilarious, i though this was some creation of a crazy brazilian try to earn some money with a brand new MA, but since this guys on post exist, there is more around the world, hahaha, hilarious!
7 stars, i sparred with boxers and got knocked down mmany times, there are monsters in their hands, i dont think any MA can defeat them that easly....i dont think fight Tyson is some wise thing to do (mostly if you are a sifu of 7 stars,lol), i must tell that i rather run away than face him.
All profissional guys train all days, so they got an excelent cardio, as a good movement, and appurated techniques, all of it 12 hours a day, resting only sundays. I dont think i simple praticioner of martial art cant be in shape as they are.
For someone who gets knocked down a lot, you do act arrogant and ignorant of other people of other styles :rolleyes:

News flash! Don't know what 7 stars is, but I have seen many good praying mantis people who've held their own against boxers, that kinda puts your thing out of the water.

Tyson is a professional, and I wouldn't like going up against him. Also remember, Tyson did some aikido studying.
Boxing is a martial art.

The simple and dirty fighting techniques they teach you at the military academies for officers is watered-down boxing, muay thai, TKD, wing chun, wrestling, and judo stamped down where one can have an easy time learning it and defend themselves in most situations, but won't excel in experienced opponents.
I believe Boxing is a Martial Art, just like any other.

I would just like to add... I hear so much talk about the Octagon and fighting in the Octagon.

Can this really be called "fighting"? Yes, two people are combating each other until one gives up (consciously or unconsciously), but is fighting REALLY limited to the rules of the Otcagon? NHB? or any of those MMA events?

One must consider the possibility of multiple assailants, weapons, terrain... the list continues. To call these events fighting would be placing a limit on true fighting.

Just wanted to pay Devil's advocate for a momnent.

Originally posted by MartialArtist
For someone who gets knocked down a lot, you do act arrogant and ignorant of other people of other styles :rolleyes:

News flash! Don't know what 7 stars is, but I have seen many good praying mantis people who've held their own against boxers, that kinda puts your thing out of the water.

Tyson is a professional, and I wouldn't like going up against him. Also remember, Tyson did some aikido studying.

HAHAHA, Good joke! A praying mantis defeating a Boxer, my white belt BJJ cousin 14 years old can defeat a praying mantis praticioner. If what are you saying is true, show any proof, like photo, related link, that it happened in any place in our galaxy!
About Tyson, wouldnt be a calm time facing him, but unfortunatly he doesnt pratice anything on ground, thats a great flaw! I think any guy with at least purple belt in BJJ or equivalent in Wrestling or Sambo or something similar (with the same weight that he has ) can defeat him.

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