Boob tube favorites


MTS Alumni
It's saturday, I've worked a 60 hour week even though it was a holiday week, I've mowed grass at three locations today, gone to Lowes for some construction supplies and done the grocery shopping. The girls are at their moms for the weekend, Erica is at work and I have the house to myself. I found myself doing the couch potato thing and got to wondering what channels/shows the rest of you enjoy the most. Me, I've gotten addicted to the Food Network. I've always enjoyed piddling in the kitchen but now I actually am starting to feel that I know what I'm doing in there. Coming up, the kitchen was always considered a womans' arena but my father loves cooking too so I started experimenting in there early. One of the best shows on TFN is Good Eats, I think. Emeril Live is (oddly) one of those shows that Erica and I snuggle up on the couch to watch. After food network it's gotta be the history channel and military channel for me.
I agree Food network is one of mine also, the other would be American Chopper and Monster Garage with the Poker on the discovery channel high on my list.

Terry Lee Stoker
poker isnt a sport. it should be taken off the air. immediately.

I like House a lot. and I watch dr phil with my sister because we're dorks. and Numb3rs.
I only get to watch these shows when I am babysitting though because my sis has TiVO... they air when I am at kenpo
Samantha said:
poker isnt a sport. it should be taken off the air. immediately.
Yeah. Golf too.

I love my TiVo! I wouldn't be without it. I watch mostly movies from HBO/Encore/AMC/etc., and those I inevitably watch via TiVo. When they're on, my wife and I watch Scrubs and The Sopranos. I still watch Saturday Night Live, but mostly on inertia--I'm always disappointed by it.
arnisador said:
Yeah. Golf too.
No, no, no. There is nothing better than having a few beers and watching some good golf. For instance, the British Open starts Thursday, and I'll be watching. Good stuff. Of course, I'd much rather be watching football.
Corner gas..

Canadian show about a small town in Saskatchewan..freakin hilarious! :D
Nalia said:
Corner gas..
I thought that was old home video of my uncle David after thanksgiving dinner. :ultracool

I dispise all those reality based TV shows. I've tried and can't find even one redeeming quality about them. All they seem to teach to the viewer is that who ever can lie, cheat and betray the best wins...not qualities I want my kids to pick up on.
On Court TV I enjoy watching "Forensic Files" and "Cops", especially the shows when they were filmed at Mardi Gras. Classic. On HBO there used to have a series of America Undercover shows called "Autopsy". I always tried to watch them. History Channel: "History's Lost and Found", any shows of WW I or WW II. Im sort of a history buff. And of course the Three Stooges on Spike TV........Steve
When I had cable, I enjoyed Iron Chef, Emeril, Adult Swim (on Cartoon Network), TV Land & a show on Court TV (I think it was "Cold Case" or "Forensic Files" not sure which)--hope to get those back soon. Have been a long-time fan on Law & Order though I think they have too many spinoffs. As far as reality shows go, I like American Idol, The Challenger, & The Ultimate Fighter.
I would rather be watching my Chicago Blackhawks...:roflmao:

There's only one show I watch religiously.."Rescue Me". Other than that I don't watch a lot of TV.
Well, since I cancelled my cable, about the only TV I watch is about one of the CSI's a week, and the occational show on PBS. I used to love the Food Network, Cartoon Network, Sci-Fi and the History Channel though.

Now I watch more movies than anything, I have watched both versions of Dune within the last week.
theletch1 said:
Me, I've gotten addicted to the Food Network. I've always enjoyed piddling in the kitchen but now I actually am starting to feel that I know what I'm doing in there. Coming up, the kitchen was always considered a womans' arena but my father loves cooking too so I started experimenting in there early. One of the best shows on TFN is Good Eats, I think. Emeril Live is (oddly) one of those shows that Erica and I snuggle up on the couch to watch. After food network it's gotta be the history channel and military channel for me.
Wow! You sound like you could be my twin/clone.....I also love to cook, and TFN is one of my favorite channels, and I think "Good Eats" is the best show there. I used to watch Emeril religiously, but his show has become such an "event" that the actual cooking part of it is now often secondary, so I only watch if I really like what he's cooking. If you like to grill/BBQ as I do, may I suggest "BBQ University" on PBS on weekends. Also on PBS: "Mexico, One Plate at a Time"

My other favorite channels are History Channel and Travel Channel. I typically TIVO the shows I like during the week, and watch them on weekends when I have a bit of downtime. The Travel Channel has a couple of shows I like: Passport to Europe, and Travel Cafe.
I found "Starting Over" on NBC, 2PM Central. Its an hour reality show about relationships, personal problems. Its the only reality show I watch. Maybe Survivor in the fall depends if a friend gets in.

I like Medium, Cold Case, ER, West Wing, all the forensic shows. I was really sad to see Judging Amy go...but I guess they ran out of material.

What happened to the Fitness channel? guess my cable company must have dropped it. TW
Used to LOVE Farscape on the sci-fi channel. Stargate SG-1 and Sex n City w/ wifey now. Ultimate Fighter is pretty cool, or boxing on ESPN2. When in season, love a good game of football or NHL:uhyeah:
I watch a lot of TLC, Discovery, and The Military Channel and on Friday nights I love Sci-fi Friday. Gotta see my shows Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Battle Star. Oh I left out FX- Rescue Me and USA- Over There.

Mrhnau- IÂ’m with you on the Farscape I loved that show but hated the ending. Seems like now they are bringing all the characters over to Stargate SG-1
Discovery, Inked, Cold Cases, CSI Vegas, UFC, and the best show on tv the Simpsons
Hemi, Farscape was the BEST show. I hated the mini-series though. Very bad conclusion. Seemed like they tried to stuff a whole season into a four hour show. Very bad. I would have been happy with the conclusion of season 4. I've got all the seasons on DVD.

I think they were thinking of drawing the Farscape crowd to SG-1 by bring on board Ben and Claudia. Ben is pretty good on the show, Claudia is bordering on annoying :-) I miss O'neil and General Hammond. I hope Daniel and Carter stick around at least.

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