bodybuilding INSTEAD of the TKD

Good News:

I went to see the Strength Trainer. He "signed off" on all of the motions -- I do them correctly. He had to show me the powerclean, but I know it now, too. So, I can do the "Five Glorious Exercises":

1) The Squat
2) The Deadlift
3) The Bench Press
4) The Power Clean
5) The Overhead Press

To specifications now, safely!

Bad News:

You cannot smoke cigarettes and realize the big gains in strength (or size) with the resistance exercises. Smoking cigarettes negatively affects the circulation of blood in the body. Evidently, when you are doing The Squats, in sets of 5, by the 5th rep, you need that freaking blood vessels to be wide open -- its a capacity issue. Each time that heart PUMPS, you need that blood to be able to rush around EVERYWHERE, NOW. So I have to quit smoking.

The plan is (and no one can give me advise about this -- I have made up my mind) -- is to wean myself off by smoking one cigarette per hour on Sunday (that is done), one cigarette per two hours on Monday (doing that now). Then, one cigarette per three hours on Tuesday, and one cigarette per four hours on Wednesday.

Thursday I kick.

Friday will suck, but how bad can it suck? It is Friday after all, AND it is a gym day!

I will drink a LOT of water over the weekend, and I should be clean by Monday. Then, I will have a separation but not a divorce. Oh, well, that's how the cookie crumbles.

If all goes as planned, I should realize better circulation by sometime in October, so we shall see. Also, with the money saved, I plan to by a camcorder IF I stay off cigarettes AND I can put a 45 lb plate on each side of the bar for the set of 5 squats (that is my first goal). At that time I will post a video in the "Members' Motions" Forum of a good form! You will see the demonstration of The Squat, ATG, Mark Rippetoe Starting Strength style!!!

I completely understand, the iron bug bit me a bout 4 years ago. I had always been slim so I decided to enhance my martial arts.with weight training (good in theory)
It took some time dedication, nutritional decissions and suplementation, (it was my martial arts training that helped and the fact I am OCD ) I went from 170 to 190, At one time as heavy as 225. I'll have to post some pics of me as a iron eater. Like training TKD, I lifted sometimes till I puked. I did put on some mass, but my taekwondo suffered. No more snap on technique, not as fluid in poomse. I have terrible tendonitis in my knees (from heavy leg extensions) and left elbow. I have recently started lifting again 2 weeks ago. my chest, shoulders and arms are sore from Saturday session with the iron bug. Today is back day.

These days I am hoping to maintain rather than build mass. I like to use the time under tension method- seems to work well, in that you can use less weights and still engage the muscle tissue at the deepest levels.

Good luck with your sculpting :)
Yes, its bad news. It is inconvenient to go through such a major life change as giving up smoking. But, I am weaning myself off and plan to quit (kick) on Thursday, so wish me luck.

If this goes down right, I will soon be as strong as a Hung-Ga Man!

No joke. Once I can squat 1.5 times my own mass for a set of 5, then its on. Then I will be truly beginning to get strong. This is the external way, you know! This is very good!


Yes, if I can get on the other side of this, then its time to get on that Horse and Ride! If G-d wills, I will get that strength over all, with these big compound motions!!!
Even if lifting weights does nothing else good for you other than getting you to quit smoking, this alone makes it all worthwhile.

We lost our head photographer at work a couple of weeks ago to a heart attack. He was THIRTY EIGHT. And a smoker ;(

Best o' luck to ya (although if I was boss of your life, I would make you do BOTH martial arts AND weight lifting :) ;) )
Newguy, good luck and hang in there! I, too, started wieght training with that 5x5 a couple of years ago. I really see serious weight training (squatting specifically) as what sped up my recovery after my knee surgery. It really improved my TKD too..I fell stronger and have nmore snap on my techniques. I've since moved from the 5x5 to Jason Ferruggia maximum mass routine.

However, I'm seriously thinking about switching from that over to crossfit and adding more intense cardio stuff in as well. My goal is to compete at the USATKD senior nationals once before I'm 40.

Keep us appraised of how things are going.

Hooah. :)

You know what it means. :D
Yes Sir, I do know!
This is going to be one tough cookie to crack. I have already had to "reset" on this quitting smoking, but I keep thinking about that rocket guy. He was met with all kinds of trouble, but he did not give up, and he finally realized his goal!

To bluekey88: I have heard that crossfit is wicked good for fitness. I am trying to get bigger, though, so I will do this training instead. As soon as I get strong (3x5 ==> the central nervous system gets more efficient, to recruit more motor nerves), then I'll lift with high reps (slinging the heavy weights around), and I will get h00ge, if things go according to plan!

Just dont end up like this guy.

We used to have a big guy like that back in our school in the day. He was "The Heavyweight" -- that was a nickname of sorts that the Master Instructor gave to him!

Slowly but surely I am adding mass to the lifts. Slowly but surely. I only add 5 lbs each time, not 10, because I will stall if I try to do 10 (I've already tried it). Slow but sure, it is coming.
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The best and safest way to go IMO

Yes Sir, and, Rippetoe's program is designed primarily for high school athletes. I am 42, and wish to baby my knees more than they do. Things will progress, like the tortoise and the hare. I'm having a great time of it. Safe is always important here. The lower back, too. I do not wish to injure it.

So, we have this "posterior chain" being developed -- this TKD gives people good awareness of their body, including the posterior chain. I have cues set up now that work for me (for the squat -- the MAIN exercise):

chest up
elbows back and high
butt goes OUT!

Then concentrate like -- "I WILL GO _UP_ WHEN I HIT THE BOTTOM" -- I anticipate the "bounce", keeping everything tight -- the pelvis keeps the same position! This way the hamstrings reach their elastic limit, it equalizes the force on the knees.

Everyone else is doing some isolation exercises, but you will find me in the power rack, yessir. That is where I do my work! Soon enough, if this works out, soon enough, I will be doing isolation exercises too, for the hypertrophy, except for one difference... I will be lifting the heavy iron because of this prepratory strength training!

My core will be nice and strong, and then I'll SWOLE UP! w00!!!

I'm drinking that protien shake every day, too, with milk. It tastes good and supplements many things. Right. If things go as planned, we will see things happen! And quite a fun thing to do, I say, all the while! Seeing the weight increase on the bar as time goes...
Yes Sir, I do know!
To bluekey88: I have heard that crossfit is wicked good for fitness. I am trying to get bigger, though, so I will do this training instead. As soon as I get strong (3x5 ==> the central nervous system gets more efficient, to recruit more motor nerves), then I'll lift with high reps (slinging the heavy weights around), and I will get h00ge, if things go according to plan!

No doubt you'll get there. I've been lifting a few years now and have added 2 inches to my quads, an inch to my biceps, my chest is bigger than my stomach without having to "suck it in" and I now have a 2-pack for the first time in a couple of decades. :-)

the only reason I'm thinking about switching to crossfit is to increase the metabolic conditioning with the weight training...I'm still gassing out too easy when I spar.

Just keep training smart and the gains will come.

Well, as I understand it, "The Girls of Crossfit" will do the trick. I have a friend who is a US Marine -- he is one tough guy and very fit. He and his Marine friends do that Crossfit for fun and fitness. He swears by it. He said that I should do it, but of course, it does not fit my needs.

This guy should know. Those crossfit routines can push your limits, according to him. You'll be knocking people out of the square for sure, and get endurance. Those crossfit people are very much into the endurance, you know.

Oh, and Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program is included *somehow* in crossfit. When someone wishes to get "certified" in the "crossfit barbell training" (or some such thing) -- its Mark Rippetoe's work that they go by! He (Mark Rippetoe) is involved somehow in that Crossfit project.
Oh yeah...Rippetoe's the man. In fact, he's the one who design the CrossFit total..the basic strength measurement used by the crossfit guys (total your 1 rep max on squat, shoulder press and deadlift). They highly recommend "starting strength" to learn the lifts used in the program. I know it helped me tons. He's also one of their main consultants.

I'm thinking I'll try "sipping the kool aid" next week. Pray for me. :)

Well, you all are the best here, and I really enjoy
this board. But I have to let you all know that I
am giving up the TKD for the bodybuilding. Yes,
the iron sport. I am hooked. I have been going to
the weight lifting gymnasium for about 6 months now,
and decide that it is my way.

I have recently had a discussion with some weight
lifter who told me that I was doing things all wrong.
Well, how is that for a fine how-do-you-do? Right.
All wrong!

I will now engage in the 5x5 method
for at least 2 months. If I gain strength nicely, I
will keep on it until I can squat my own body weight
times 1.5. That's right -- one and one half times
my own mass with the squat. At that time I will
discard the 5x5 for the body building / isolation
exercises, because I will then have a strong base.

I will not practice the Scott-Little method, because
I prefer the full range of motion -- big motions.
They are more pleasing to me. After all, I am a TKD
man at heart, and I like BIG, explicit motions!

I have started taking the creatine and the protein
powder, because I do not eat much red meat or fish.

I do know that form is EVERYTHING! As I start this
journey (on Monday -- that will be the first day of
the 5x5!) I have to make sure my technique is good.
for the knees. I will study and try to learn this,
and also try to get feedback from some adept lifter
in my gym.

So, I will continue to look at this nice board, but
also will surf to other communities where people
lift, to get BIG. All show, no go. That's me.
I want to look like a freaking million dollars from
the neck down by this time next year. I also want
to have sufficient knowledge of this "iron sport"
to not get injury in my neck up!

So, wish me luck!

I also want to show you one video that I think is
funny. It is of a powerlifter named Kirk Karwoski.
You can't really tell what is going on in the video
because there is no sound. But it looks as though
someone asks him to pose, and then he waves them
off, as if to say, "Enough of that sissy posing, I
am a power lifter, not a bodybuilder!"


Weightlifting and fighting go hand in hand.

There is no reason to quit one to do another.

Fighters do both.
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