Do you consider competitive bodybuilding or recreational bodybuilding?
Do you call bodybuilder anyone who uses weights?
There is no problem in using weights in martial arts. Examine some very traditional methods, Scots with logs and rocks, gymnasts horse - roots were in actual training for riding horse, various weighted clubs....
Next group to examine is running: sprinters, distance runners and marathoners. Look their system of training, how their body looks before and after run. Even if all of them just run, you will notice actual training is different for each group.
There are many body characteristics that need to be developed.
- Strength (maximal, explosive, reactive, accelerating)
- Speed
- Endurance
- Flexibility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Aesthetics
I am gonna leave Technique out.
Question: Is it possible to develop strength without growing muscle?
Answer: Yes, and not to infinity (gymnasts would love that).
If you don't believe look at weight lifters they compete in weight categories so how they break world record without gaining size.
Absolute strength is defined as maximal INVOLUNTARY contraction of muscle. Normally only available through electrical stimulation.
Maximal strength is maximal VOLUNTARY contraction of muscle.
Difference between absolute and maximal strength is called strength deficit.
Strength depends on 2 factors, cross-section of muscle (number of muscle fibers) and central nervous system that fires those muscle fibers into action. Now for those who are in weight divisions they do increase maximal strength without gaining mass by decreasing strength deficit. Of course you can't do this type of training forever, as you aproach your absolute strength you will need to gain more fibers and than again you do training without gaining size.
To improve maximal strength you need heavy resistance. Weights, bodyweight, resistance bands, isometrics,....
Key concept is low repetition (more than 1 up to 5-6 for those in good condition), stop 1-2 repetition before failure, long rests between sets.
- Benefits of maximal strength training: strengthen joints and ligaments, improves intramuscular and intermuscular coordination (fibers learn how to work together, same as different muscle groups learn to play together).
- Disadvantages of maximal strength training: stress on central nervous system, degrades explosive strength.
Explosive strength is maximal contraction of muscle in minimum time, this is what you call power. Maximal strength training is prerequisite for training of quality. Reason why focus only on maximal training degrades explosivnes is speed of training. You can't safely move your maximal load at high speeds without risks of injury, so you do it at lower speed, basicly training your muscles to be slow. F=m*a (force equals mass times acceleration) that is reason of weight divisions in various sports, with mass relatively equal competitors must focus on acceleration which is gained from this muscle quality. Training is medium resistance, medium repetition, high speed. Plyometrics, grab medicine ball and throw it are some examples.
Reactive strength is ability to quickly change your motion, example squat jump, or punch-guard, or sprint stop sprintback.
Accelerating strength measures again how fast you can do particular activity. Example is take 2 competitors and let them do pushups for 2 minutes, one does 90 other does 75, first one have greater accelerating strength. Training with resistance bands, density training (like how many punches, kicks, pushups, you can do in period of time 2 min, 5min, 10min, you are trying to increase number).
Endurance is ability to repeat same motion over time. Above 15 repetition is considered endurance training, low resistance. So hill sprints, 100 pushups, 500 squats, burpees, mini drills, intervals, jumping rope they all help endurance. Now you also need to think about 2 energy systems of your body. Probably heard of aerobic and anaerobic. Again depending on your chosen activity you will need different ratio of both. Check boxers, they still breathe while fighting but their lungs can't keep up with demand, so you use ATP which creates lactic acid which you need to fight thru till gong. Now in recovery phase haven't you noticed trainers telling boxers to breathe. So during whole event boxers will use both energy systems.
Each physical activity requires different ratio of these qualities. Lets see soccer:
- technique (you need to control ball and work with your team)
- endurance, you need to last for 2x45min
- speed
- explosive strength (lots of minis sprints, here also reactive strength comes in, also to make ball faster)
- maximal strength
You would need to figure what requirements your chosen activity has and find where you need improvements and than create training activity to match your goals.
Just following training regiment from another sport doesn't simple translates to best training for your art. Also avoid looking for champion training, they have spent years to get to that level of training and if you are beginer you simply can't start at that level.