Board Breaking

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I'm in the USTF. Didn't post my own school's site because they don't have much posted info past class times, so I figured a USTF site that did would work better in its stead. Sorry for any confusion there. I was just being lazy, and didn't want to pull out my syallabus to see if there were any variations past '96. ;)

Suspended is usually held by two fingers. The heel kick sounds like a flying reverse 360 hook kick by our terminlogy. It's not even a required technique until 1st gup, which would probably explain why it's not in with the breaking segment.

I can understand about the knuckles. Hit my suspended break wrong last testing, (1 board, front punch) and my knuckle was swollen for weeks afterwards.
just on a side note...the spinning hook kick, or spinning heel kick is called a backspin at my school...
Marginal said:
A quick web search turned up this, which looks about right.

E.g. taken from the USTF 9th gup through 1st Dan Black Belt Syllabus (1996).

---1st Gup (high red belt)---

Men Hands: 2 non-supported boards
With : inward strike with the reverse knife-hand or inward strike with the knife-hand or outward strike with the knife-hand.

Men Feet: 3 boards
With : front snap or turning kick

Men Feet: 4 boards
With : side or back piercing kick

Women/juniors Hands: 1 non-supported board
With : inward strike with the reverse knife-hand or inward strike with the knife-hand or outward strike with the knife-hand.

Women/juniors Feet: 2 boards
With : front snap or turning kick

Women/juniors Feet: 3 boards
With : side or back piercing kick

Well, if this is the syllabus of your school as well, they don't state a jump spin heel or "flying reverse 360 hook " as a requirement. Then you are lucky to not have to do it then and again for rec. bb. (And me again with combination for 2nd dan. arrggh) But I'm not up for 2 boards doing jump twist kick either. Something about the flexibility on the inside and I'm pretty flexible! Oh well, we each have our talents, I just wish our master would give us variables like those in that syllabus you gave. But the women following me will have it alot easier. Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better since I'm stuck. There's not any WTF people on this board who have done major breaking, women testing for 2nd dan to compare. But your list was the closest.... TW
i don't think we ever really do a jump spin heel...but one of the breaks for 2nd dan is a twin front kick, single punch all in the and women both
bignick said:
i don't think we ever really do a jump spin heel...but one of the breaks for 2nd dan is a twin front kick, single punch all in the and women both

Same time for all?

The above break sounds, kind of like, what is an option for 2nd. Ours is two feet both doing front kick at the same time, to waist or higher, to two individual boards held apart with one hand each-not much support, so it has to be fast. Don't know how you would punch during that. Maybe before jumping or after coming down. I can't jump that high, my problem. Can you describe this break, bignick?

PS Spin hook/spin heel is to the head in our school, spin side is to the midsection. TW
i'll try...

two boards at least waist high, placed however you want....and one holder standing the middle holding for a punch...

as you jump up you do a double front kick to the boards on each side...and as you kick you punch and break the middle board...the biggest problem people seem to have is waiting too long to punch so they hit the ground...

you don't have to jump as high as you's all about speed...
i had to do just the double front kick for my brown belt...i'm 6'5'' and about 330 pounds...i guess i do have the advantage of youth and ignorance...but vertical leap is absolutely nothing...but i still broke it on my first try...well above my waist level...the trick is to jump as high as you can and kick out really'd be amazed how high you can actually get...

although for that one at least...we allow the more um...experienced(read = older) people do it one leg at a time without setting it basically becomes a front kick, jump front kick..i think you have to be at least thirty to be eligible for that though
do you have to be a supporting member to post pictures...cause i can get a pretty sweet picture of my instructor doing the double front kick/double punch for his 4th degree
bignick said:
do you have to be a supporting member to post pictures...cause i can get a pretty sweet picture of my instructor doing the double front kick/double punch for his 4th degree

Yes you have to be a supporting member to post pictures, that and the other benefits amkes it well worth the $12.00. Sorry for the cheap shameless plug.
Gee, I would qualify for "older". 30..I was young. sigh. I haven't seen any women do the double jump front above knee level. Somehow that doesn't qualify. Young women though can jump. Heck, when I was in high school I was a high jumper and hurdler. another sigh.

Yes, you do have to be a member. Now is the time to do it. Kaith needs the money. Only 12. to get your name in lights and its easy..... TW

Boy,, Rob, you're e v e r y w h e r e. Beat me to it. :D
in the couple of months i've been on here..i've grown quite fond of martial talk...but i'm a poor college student and i need the money too...
College students should have an exemption sometimes. My daughter is midnightninja, is so busy and tired with her summer job, can't even get back on. Now she has a job and college so its no better. But she is good at board breaking! She does a mean jump back kick/2. But she got stopped by a knife/concrete at 17. There's.. its on topic.
good work...over the last few months, my kicking power has increased tremendously...when i tested for brown belt(2nd gup) the head instructor(woman...has done a four board back kick).....chewed me out for not kicking hard enough...i had gotten into the habit of pulling because i didn't want to hurt my partner...ever since then it's like my kicks get stronger and stronger every class...almost to the point where i need to start pullin or i will hurt instructor and i talked about it and he thinks when it comes to breaking for me on kicks like my back kick it's more a matter of how many boards can be held by people than how many i can break...which is why i like to push myself in areas like speed of my favorites is punch w/ 2 finger hold...
That's a good one. Has to be fast and by training, it will be a useful if not wicked skill later in tournament sparring. Have you ever tried a speed palm break on a few boards? Finger tips on the board then down (speed break).

Examples of some favorite and quirky breaks in our school: thumb break/concrete, head butt/concrete, tossed apple jumpspinheel, flyside/concrete/hoop on fire-12 yr. old, chin/1 bd., 360° jumpback/concrete/blindfold, triple kick-3 fronts by 1 hand- held at waist level staggered down a line, (master does 4), flyside over 4 chairs-3bds. TW
one of the cooler ones i've seen is my instructor's 540 back kick...nails it everytime...the first time i held for it he didn't even warm up or aim...just gave me the boards, 3 of them, put them where he wanted them...walked a few steps away...and just exploded the boards...can tell he used to be really good when he competed...i had to spar him(along with 4 other people, one after the other) for his 4th dan i said...i'm 6'5''...he's about 6'1''-6'2''...axed kicked me in the head twice within about 20 seconds...second time tore my headgear off...didn't hurt...but was very impressive
That sounds impressive allright. 360 is enough for me. Usually masters don't get there unless they are good. Sounds like he will be a good sparring partner for you too since he is big enough and good at it too. TW
TigerWoman said:
Well, if this is the syllabus of your school as well, they don't state a jump spin heel or "flying reverse 360 hook " as a requirement.

Yep. Looks like that's the case. I mainly wanted to see how the terminology stacked up.

Then you are lucky to not have to do it then and again for rec. bb. (And me again with combination for 2nd dan. arrggh) But I'm not up for 2 boards doing jump twist kick either. Something about the flexibility on the inside and I'm pretty flexible!

Not one of my better kicks either.
Old thread, but since I have the dan syllabus now I can finally answer one of TW's queries better...

1st dan reqs were already covered, so...

(As before, within each category one technique/break is chosen from the list.)

2nd Dan

Men- Hands: 4 boards with front punch, or 3 tiles with downward punch, or 4 tiles with downward knifehand
Feet (Power): 3 boards with either, twisting kick, stepping hook kick, reverse hook kick, or reverse turning kick. 4 boards: turning kick. 5 boards with either side-piercing kick, mid-air 180 back piercing, or mid-air 360 back piercing kick.
Feet (technique): 2 suspended boards with any mid-air kick or any flying kick. 2 boards two targets with flying twin foot front snap kick.

Women/Juniors Hands:1 suspended board with either, outward knifehand strike, inward knife hand strike. 1 tile with eitherdownward punch, downward backfist, downward strike with reverse knifehand. 2 tiles with downward knifehand.

Feet (power): 2 boards w/reverse hook kick, or 3 boards with side-piercing kick.
feet (Technique): 1 suspended board with any mid air kick, or any flying kick. 1 board two targets with flying twin foot front snap kick.
Whats is really not cool, is so many people posting in this thread that do not not have the courage to post any info about themselves.
We broke boards at all tests and as you advanced in rank, the number of boards and the difficulty increases.Ultimately at Dan testing, concrete breaks are required.
You'll have to excuse my ignorance but what type of wood are the boards, do you always kick with the grain running horizontal, and are the rebreakable boards used to train with and do they feel anywhere close to the real thing.
As you can see I've never done it.

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