Senior Master
As has been said, it is entirely dependent upon the art and school.
The thing that most people that don't practice a martial art fail to understand, is that a "black belt" only means something within the organization that granted said rank. A black belt in a Wado ryu karate organization means absolutely nothing in BJJ or kendo or Taekwondo. It only means something within the Wado ryu organization that granted the belt. Heck it doesn't even mean anything to a different Wado ryu organization, unless they've got a reciprocal agreement in place saying that they'll recognize the other organization's ranks. (Just using Wado ryu as an example. I don't even know if there is more than one Wado ryu organization. )
I hold various dan ranks in three different sword arts and four organizations. One had a very detailed progression where you were required to know and perform certain kata and techniques to progress through the ranks. Another had only six kata for rank testing. The same six kata were performed for a panel consisting of the head of the school and the main instructors from Japan and U.S. for every rank test. Your demeanor and performance determined whether they thought you were ready for the next rank.
So, to get a definitive answer to your question it would need to be much more detailed as to which art and organization, since different schools and organizations have different ideals and different methodologies for attaining those ideals.
Bolded and underlined: I think you mean it a different way, but since 1st dan black belt meant a great sense of accomplishment to me, and I knew what I had put in to it, I respect the ranks of other organizations. It a practitioner in another system has a higher dan than me, I pay that person respects. I would have to be very sure a system was totally bogus not to show that respect. Even so, I probably still would, simply to show lower students what I thought was proper protocol.
I realize this had been asked in a Karate forum, but others in different arts have commented. So, in the Hapkido I studied,
1st dan was defense against many kinds of grabs (using strikes, breaks[grapples and throws], pressure points, punches, kicks, knives, and a taste of offense just before the black belt test.
2nd degree was a lot of the same, but using different techniques and pressure points, also sword use and defense. Also throw defense and ground defense techniques.
3rd degree was counters to white belt techniques, and a lot of short stick defenses and offense.
4th degree - I don't know as I didn't train that far. I was told that it was mostly healing techniques, but I don't know.
And so of course I don't know what was above. In his book, Kimm showed a lot more techniques being taught at higher levels.