Black Belt Breaking


Master Black Belt
What breaks do you require for your Black Belt test (or think should be required) if any.

When I tested for black belt (as a kid) I had to break 10 boards in 8 seconds with techniques of our choosing (although I think there had to be a certain number of leg techs included).

We currently do about 10 single board breaks throughout the test, and then a patio block at the end for the "grand finale".
depend son the level. Last grading I did a step behind side, and a spin side. It's been a while and II had a lot of other things on my mind, I am not sure if I did a hand technique as well. Bad me, I know.

more advanced ranks require fancier stuff like non spinning jumps and I think a running jump, but I need to verify that.

We use rebreakables, ladies maxing out with the blue one, Guys with the black, i think that's the equivalent of 2 one inch boards, 12x12...
My black belt tests both required four board breaks. Afterwards a brick break. One brick for testing for 1st, two for 2nd, and so on. I strongly prefer using actual wood for testing. Rebreakables are great for practice, and they are certainly stronger than demo boards, but to me nothing beats a good slab of oak cut fresh from home depot.
We have to do a 4 station break with as many boards as we want with any techniques we choose. Then we have to do a power break of 3 boards or more with a technique of our choosing. Last we do a speed break with another technique of our choosing. There is a lot of room to make the test as difficult or as easy as you want.
We have to do a jump spinning back kick to make Cho Dan. Then a double jump front kick (Split kick) with two boards on each leg for Ee Dan. Sam Dan is 3 boards placed on cinder blocks during a form. The hardest part is lining yourself up to be in the right place for the break during the form, but the break is no joke either. It is a jump up, and punch straight down through the boards as you land, but all within the form (Lohai)
It should include two ribs and at least one leg and a arm. We need to be able to use real life scenirio's since we are BB. Everyone knows if it is not a true test that it was given, you know like Olympic TKD'ers that know nothing about true applications.
It should include two ribs and at least one leg and a arm. We need to be able to use real life scenirio's since we are BB. Everyone knows if it is not a true test that it was given, you know like Olympic TKD'ers that know nothing about true applications.

Instigator! :angel:
I have a real issue with some breaking I see. I do not know where they get some of this stuff, but it ain't the local building supply. If it is buildings would be collapsing all over. Soem of the wood is real Candy *$$ BS and so are some of the re breakables.

Even some bldg supply stuff can be BS. Call them Bulls eyes when the dark not runs lengthwise ddown the middle and from the end you see it often as a circle. I can easily put the beoard across my leg and press on bothh sides and snap it. I don;t let them use those.

By the same token, I have run into some southern yellow pine that was tough as heck.
For first dan, they are required to do a jumping fornt snap kick (one fist higher than top of head), front leg jumping roundhouse kick, flyign side kick over 3 obstacles, and a hammer fist through 1 " conrete block(s).

for 2nd dan, required breaks are front leg hook kick (speed), jumping reverse roundhouse (speed) and hammer fist through 2" concrete block(s), tester also has to do 3 breaks of their own choosing in additionm to the required break.

For 3rd dan, only one break, spear hand.

I have a real issue with some breaking I see. I do not know where they get some of this stuff, but it ain't the local building supply. If it is buildings would be collapsing all over. Soem of the wood is real Candy *$$ BS and so are some of the re breakables.

Even some bldg supply stuff can be BS. Call them Bulls eyes when the dark not runs lengthwise ddown the middle and from the end you see it often as a circle. I can easily put the beoard across my leg and press on bothh sides and snap it. I don;t let them use those.

By the same token, I have run into some southern yellow pine that was tough as heck.

Yep. Not to denigrate anyone, but did you see the youtube video posted a few weeks ago of someone breaking 5 boards with a spearhand thrust?
As long as I know we don't have to follow a path in this if board breackin, one can do wahtever on's can do. When I did my 1dan black belt test I did, one elbow using two 1 inch each board and a flying side kick using 5 guys as a obstacle with one inch board.

Lately, not being so aerobic I use stationary power breaks usually using elbows, side kicks and back kicks, and spining bakc kicks also.
