Blac Eye for Kempo

Let's also keep in mind, however, that it doesn't sound like this guy tried to prey upon his students. He was busted for hooking up with someone on the internet. So he didn't abuse his authority or trust by going after his student.

Now who knows, maybe he did do this, but didn't get caught for it. We don't know at this point, doesn't sound like it was in the story at any rate so we cannot assume that he did so.

Maybe he kept his predatory behavior out of the school and away from the circle of students.
This is kind of a tangent, but something to think about when operating a martial art school (or any other situation in which you work with children, for that matter):

NEVER be out of sight of parents/other students alone with a minor student. Ever.

As even an allegation of inappropriate behavior can ruin your good name, keeping in plain site at ALL times ensures you never face a "their word against yours" situation.

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