Don Roley said:
Great! Let us start with this idea that you are trying to spread that bird flu is a myth and that it is not a threat to millions of people and thus not worthy of the presidents attention.
Donnie .... Yoo-hoo Donnie ...
I never made a statement, claim, on insinuation that the bird flu (or any other virus or germ) is
not a threat.
Once again, I said it is not a threat worthy of the attention of the President. The threat should be monitored, and planned for by the appropriate government agencies; the Centers for Disease Control, and Health and Human Services (and there are probably other governement agencies that should be involved).
Fortunately, all of my claims are back there in the thread, so you can go back and re-read them, if you need to remember what I actually said.
Don Roley said:
Accusations are not proof. You have been battered by this point before. Show the proof. And then show how this threat is not credible.
Donnie, I really don't think I have been 'battered' at all.
And as for proof ... there are 2,045 families that are not going to have children return from Iraq, because the President hyped (or lied about) the quality of intelligence concerning purchase of yellowcake uranium ore from Niger, or how the aluminum tubes can only be used for centerfuges.
Are the deaths of those soldiers not credible?
Don Roley said:
Put aside you hate and your urge to bash the president aside for a awhile and you can see how the message you send can possibly kill millions just to further your crusade. Any responable person would put aside that hate and stand with the president. Ed Kennedy thinks this is a threat and you can't call him a friend of Bush. So by pushing the crazy conspiracy theory that you do at the threat of killing millions or people, you only marginalize yourself and all those that share your cause of anti-Bush uber alles.
And Donnie, .... this, well, this is what the call an 'ad hominem' attack .... The whole paragraph attacks 'to the man', rather than to the argument.
Now, if by 'hate' and 'urge to bash', you mean that I 'oppose' the President, you would indeed be accurate.
But, I really don't think that my words, or the message I send could, in any way 'kill millions' ... I mean, they are just words after all. At best, and my hope is, my words will cause people to actually think about what they see going on around them.
And, gee Donnie.... the United States, what some call a 'Christian Nation' is currently at war with Iraq, a country with a majority of Muslem people. Do you think you could be a bit more careful about throwing around the word 'crusade'. I mean really, it is a word that has some really bad connotations, especially when people are dying.
I wonder why people think that just by mentioning the name 'Kennedy', it tars the whole argument. The Senator has served his country for more than 40 years in the Senate. Donnie, you enlisted, right, you know what service is about. I would think that his service would earn a minimum of respect. But, leaving that aside ...
Senator Kennedy sits on the Senate Committee for
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Because of this, and because the Congress and not the President allocate Federal Funds, I would hope that Senator Kennedy is aware enough of the potential threats of bird flu to appropriately fund the correct government agencies; the Centers for Disease Control and Health and Human Services.