On yet another occasion I agree somewhat with Mike. I think a large part of this "Bird Flu" thing is hype.,5478,17091275%5E1702,00.html,5478,17091275%5E1702,00.html
"At any point in time, it could be any influenza virus, not necessarily a bird flu (that hit the country), so we need pandemic planning all the time," Dr Haikerwal said.
"We need awareness. We need response planning, especially getting GPs into the front line.
"We need responsible discussion about antiviral medication and possible immunisation."
He said the message should focus on simple procedures such as hand washing and not going to work when feeling unwell.
I have already suggested that the near hysteria concerning "bird flu" results from media hype. I have also suggested that the hype is being well fed by people who seek to gain politically and financially from it. I should add that various people are also seeking some personal recognition by making statements to the media. Indeed, some of the people to have come out of the bureaucratic woodwork to comment add absolutely nothing new and merely seem to want to see their names in print.
It is time to put an end to this nonsense. The more extreme the hype and the longer it is allowed to flourish, the greater the harm it causes. It does this in various ways, but let's just consider three.
Firstly, it is creating a large amount of worry. People are growing more concerned as time goes by. Worry does not help at all. These negative feelings and their associated negative thoughts have a depressing effect on the immune system. Where are all the psychoneuroimmunologists when we need them? Perhaps they realize that no one wants to hear that worry is the real risk factor that can be avoided or minimized.
The sooner people can return to a sensible calm, free from the ridiculous hype, the better. The worry has its greatest impact on the very system that needs to be in best condition to ward off disease, the immune system.