Biblical scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011

Let's make the end of all things on 4 birthday's on the 3d and I want to get the presents plus be able to say,"Apres moi, le Deluge".

The name I'd put it under is what I use in restaurants: Donner. One can always get cheap laughs across a steak house when the hostess announces, "The Donner Party".....
The world ends on the day you die. At least for you. Others may enjoy the world longer.

The world and my effect on it will go on through my kids and the way in which I changed the world, however small they may be in general, or however big they may be in their limited scope.

Even if we are no longer in it, the world does not end the day we die.
Does life happen when I'm asleep? Or does the story just fast forward when I wake? I wonder sometimes. ;)

I do know for a fact that it all goes in slow motion when I am sitting in the dentists chair :)
-I'm still of the opinion that there will be a major shift within the next few years, for better or for worse. Dawning of the age of Aquarius? As an Aquarius myself, I wouldn't complain, haha! But seriously, there is nothing wrong with preparing for the end of the world, as long as you do it sensibly. What exactly that entails, I have no idea. Dreams of winning the lotto, stockpiling a cabin in the mountains, watching the world die, and then realizing I'm all alone...but seriously, if this guy on his radio show knows the date, can I send him all my debt and have him write it off as non payable due to act of God? If the world is going to end, can I quit paying now on those bills and spend the money on things I might enjoy? Maybe take a cruise?

Or buy more ammunition? lol

As these dates these guys talk about as prophecy come and go I really do hope a side effect of it is people stop beliving these mystics of all stripes, be they religious, psychics or somehow privy to information only he could figure out from something available to all of us.
I blame that on the happy gas mine uses. :D

Ah... Not many dentists use the happy gas in Belgium. They use local injections. No, my personal time dilation in the dentists chair is caused by sheer anticipation and stark terror :)
Does life happen when I'm asleep? Or does the story just fast forward when I wake? I wonder sometimes. ;)

That used to drive me nuts when I was a kid! I'd wonder how the morning came so much faster once I slept but others were still able to do things in the time between.

I'm glad I'm not the only crazy person...

Oh, as for the whole Biblical end-days stuff, I think this guy has it made. Predict it's going to end a year from now, just enough time to cash in on his followers before they realize he's full of it.
As these dates these guys talk about as prophecy come and go I really do hope a side effect of it is people stop beliving these mystics of all stripes, be they religious, psychics or somehow privy to information only he could figure out from something available to all of us.

2000 years of failed prophets haven't taught us the lesson yet. Why start learning now?
2000 years of failed prophets haven't taught us the lesson yet. Why start learning now?

Funny thing is, when I was a kid I believed this crap because adults were saying it! Not my parents mind you, but the people next door were all kindsa religious and somehow I thought that it would all end at 2000. But as I slowly started to believe less and less in fantasy novels and myth of other types it seemed silly to me. I assume those same people from when I was a child have found yet another round numbered date to fear now.
I'm generally very long-winded, but when my wife asked me last night if I believed in the crap about 12/21/2012 or any of that other apocalyptic doomsday nonsense I got it out in one short word.
Just thought I'd point this out from the artical:

This is not the first time Camping has made a bold prediction about Judgment Day.

On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping's believers gathered inside Alameda's Veterans Memorial Building to await the return of Christ, an event Camping had promised for two years. Followers dressed children in their Sunday best and held Bibles open-faced toward heaven.

Why does this guy have any credibility let alone any followers? Are people really that damn gullible and ignorant?
Just thought I'd point this out from the artical:
Why does this guy have any credibility let alone any followers? Are people really that damn gullible and ignorant?

You could say the same thing for every other religion out there.

So what, let the nutz think what they wish, I just want one of them to will me their stuff for the day after the rapture so I can pull up a truck and take everything the day after when they are still here.

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