The 1st question asked was who is a surrogate legal and a prostitute not. I answered they are not they are both illegal in my opinion. I wasnt commenting on my personal beliefs on prostitution. I was commenting on my understanding of the law itself.
Then I stated my personal belief on prostitution is that in theroy its not a bad thing however in reality its not as innocent as people tend to believe. Ive seen the dark side of it and its very very bad. Ive talked to woman kidnapped from el salvadore shipped up to the US and put in houses forced to have sex 10 to 20 times a day for months under threat of death. Making it legal wont change that. It will just make it harder to find out about.
You missed that 2nd part. Making it legal AND regulating it. It would NOT make it harder to find out about. In fact, based on basic economics, you would likely decrease consumption of illegal sex service, as the average customer is risk averse. Given a choice between the legal, tested, licensed sex worker, and the illegal, untested, unlicensed sex worker, the AVERAGE consumer will likely choose the former.
There will still be a black market, just as there is a black market for just about everything. However, that black market would
decrease based on legality providing the comparative advantage of safety, relative to the existing black market.
Now, in the USA, the best example we have of this is alcohol. Compared to the 20's, the black market for alcohol is almost non-existent, due to plentiful availability of legal alcohol will almost certainly not make you blind. But in the 20's, the opposite. And I've seen studies that alcohol consumption actually
decreased when prohibition was lifted (though I understand that especially when it comes to illegal consumption, statistics are shakey).