best sci-fi films ranked

Also noteworthy:

The Cube
The X-Men series

Personally, I was very disappointed with X3. There was so much potential in bringing in the Phoenix character from the comic books but they completely botched it. And the end? Why did Wolverine kill Jean when he could have just stabbed her with a "cure" dart or two and taken away her powers. It made no sense at all.
Personally, I was very disappointed with X3. There was so much potential in bringing in the Phoenix character from the comic books but they completely botched it. And the end? Why did Wolverine kill Jean when he could have just stabbed her with a "cure" dart or two and taken away her powers. It made no sense at all.

The movie was very disappointing, but within the framework of the movie, I think Jean wanted to die. She had killed Cyclops and Xaviar at that point, her lover and father figure, along with tens maybe hundreds of strangers (if anyone is a stranger to a telepath of her power.) That desire to die may be what allowed that split personality to allow herself to die, where the raw emotion behind "losing my powers" isn't nearly as powerful. Anywhoo, yes I am a geek.

I was tired of Magneto by the third movie, I wanted to see the Hellfire Club turn Phoenix bad.
Personally, I was very disappointed with X3. There was so much potential in bringing in the Phoenix character from the comic books but they completely botched it. And the end? Why did Wolverine kill Jean when he could have just stabbed her with a "cure" dart or two and taken away her powers. It made no sense at all.

Me too. I was glad to see Hank, though. Wish they'd had a bigger role for Jubilee. Overall, it felt like they were trying to wrap it up in time to get home for dinner.
What about The Fifth Element and Event Horizon?

Also, THX 1138 was much better than I thought it would be (not exactly a candidate for any top ten list, however ...) Neat to see some of the elements he would later incorporate into the Star Wars movies.
What about The Fifth Element /QUOTE]

Oh hell yes! Definitely should be right up there. "Fire 500,000 employees.... on second thought fire a million of them."

"A real killer would've asked what that little red button on the bottom of the gun is for..."

Gary Oldman had a super kick-*** part and did that wonderful southern accent just right.

A friend of mine went with a bunch of scout-masters to see it one night (opening night) after the kids were put to bed then during the next day's devotional he was to provide the thought for the day... in a word; "Leeloo."

And who can forget Buzz Buzz Buzz Ruby Rhod? Loved how Chris Tucker screamed like a woman! :lol:
Hrm... how about Straczynski? He knows how to do sci-fi right...

He certainly did right by Babylon 5. Yeah, he's one of the few around who wouldn't be tempted to turn C'sE into a shoot'em-up-with blasters.

There are very few directors out there who I think could capture the unspeakable sadness of C'sE. He's probably one of them...
He certainly did right by Babylon 5. Yeah, he's one of the few around who wouldn't be tempted to turn C'sE into a shoot'em-up-with blasters.

There are very few directors out there who I think could capture the unspeakable sadness of C'sE. He's probably one of them...
I'm a Trek fan, but everything in the Trek universe is so sterile. Straczynski's B5 pretty much showed our current culture in the future, problems and all. Down Below, stim abuse, drug trade...
The movie was very disappointing, but within the framework of the movie, I think Jean wanted to die. She had killed Cyclops and Xaviar at that point, her lover and father figure, along with tens maybe hundreds of strangers (if anyone is a stranger to a telepath of her power.) That desire to die may be what allowed that split personality to allow herself to die, where the raw emotion behind "losing my powers" isn't nearly as powerful. Anywhoo, yes I am a geek.

Good point. And don't worry, you are a geek in good company :)

I wanted to see the Hellfire Club turn Phoenix bad.

Damn strait!

Overall, it felt like they were trying to wrap it up in time to get home for dinner.

That was the impression I got as well.
I'm a Trek fan, but everything in the Trek universe is so sterile. Straczynski's B5 pretty much showed our current culture in the future, problems and all. Down Below, stim abuse, drug trade...

I agree 100% with both sides of this comparison!
you missed the Van Dam's "Universal Soldier : The Return". I think its way better than creepy Star Wars (I don't know why I hate this series so much)
you missed the Van Dam's "Universal Soldier : The Return". I think its way better than creepy Star Wars (I don't know why I hate this series so much)

To quote a favorite non-scifi movie, "I wouldn't say I missed it." ;)
Many thanks indeed for this find, mrhnau - other than the Star Wars cartoons and "Brazil", not a bad thing in that 25 :tup:.

I knew I was going to approve as soon as I saw "V" on the list :D.

I wonder why "Dark Angel" didn't get a mention? Like "Serenity" there was a series that the 'money men' didn't give a fair crack of the whip. I'll remember the opening with Jessica Alba jumping off the top of that building 'till the day I die.
I wonder why "Dark Angel" didn't get a mention? Like "Serenity" there was a series that the 'money men' didn't give a fair crack of the whip. I'll remember the opening with Jessica Alba jumping off the top of that building 'till the day I die.
I do't know... I really regret that Firefly did not go further. I thought the series was great. I was also a bit upset that no mention of Farscape, IMHO the best sci-fi series ever. I hate they pulled the plug on that one... and no Outer Limits? But Galaxy Quest is in there? Total Recall above Farscape? No mention of the modern Star Wars movies?

I also just have a hard time thinking of anything animation as being sci-fi... oh well :)

I might have to wind up going out and getting Brazil... I keep hearing about it..
No mention of the modern Star Wars movies?

'Cause they sucked? Sci-fi is about ideas, exploring humanity through fictional science, the last three Star Wars blew chunks and did little to explore humanity. The computer generated droids managed more expression than the human actors, which come to think of it, is something that might make a really interesting premise for a movie, if it was intentional. :D

I don't care for Galaxy Quest on there either.


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