best sci-fi films ranked

Something that'd never occurred to me in all the times I've watched those films :tup:.

I was thinking that maybe it was a different host physiology but both circumstances arose from the same egg brood via human hosts so that can't be it.

Are you talking about Hicks in the scenario you describe? After all it did have to get through his armour and that wouldn't be simple steel ... would it?

That's the scenario, but there were others: when the armored transport ran over one of the aliens; when the automatic sentries unloaded on the hordes converging on the base (this was on the director's cut DVD. should have been in the theatrical release, IMO. Very intense. ). When the shooting started, half the base should have been reduced to slag. I understand why they did it that way, but it sticks out because the acid blood was crucial to the storyline of the first movie - they couldn't kill it outright. The Hicks scene was just too much of a cheat for me.
Aye, the sentry guns in the tunnel scene is very dramatic indeed, especially with Hudson's commentary as the ammo bins run dry... nail biting stuff.

But you're right, the corridors would've been awash with acid - I thought that the first time I watched it but I allowed the omnipitent 'suspension of disbelief' to win the day.
11 Incredibles, The (2004) 8.2/10 (66829 votes)
42 Truman Show, The (1998) 7.7/10 (86641 votes)
46 Iron Giant, The (1999) 7.7/10 (21567 votes)
I highlighted movies I thought very odd for this classification.

Can a cartoon be considered great sci-fi? I'm having a hard time classifying any cartoon as a sci-fi classic.

The Truman Show? Were they joking? That's sci-fi?
It just struck me, unless I missed it, that "War of the Worlds" is not on these lists :eek:. The modern version is more flash (but has plot holes you could stick a tripod in) and the old ones a bit too 'messianic' but either is brilliant SF. Of course, in this case it's better to go and read the book ...
Excellent choice, HK - I reminded that there are so many forgotten gems being washed away in a sea of modern, idea bereft, special effects :(.
Oh and Alien vs Predator was an enjoyable watch as a stand alone but it would've been nice if they'd made it have some semblance to the book that spawned it (Little Fang reminds me of some lady martial artists I know :D).

There was one thing that bugged me so much with this film it took away much of the enjoyment. Everytime the archaeologist talked about Aztec stuff we were shown images of Mayan stuff. The long count is Mayan, the glyphs are Mayan, the pyramid features from mesoamerica were Mayan. It may not seem like much, but it drove me crazy and absolutely basic research would have resolved the error, or just changing the Aztec references to Mayan. Apart from that it was one of those films I really enjoy, exotic location, mysterious ruins with strange inhabitants, really cool. Sorry, the archaeologist in me snuck out for a moment.
There was one thing that bugged me so much with this film it took away much of the enjoyment. Everytime the archaeologist talked about Aztec stuff we were shown images of Mayan stuff. The long count is Mayan, the glyphs are Mayan, the pyramid features from mesoamerica were Mayan. It may not seem like much, but it drove me crazy and absolutely basic research would have resolved the error, or just changing the Aztec references to Mayan. Apart from that it was one of those films I really enjoy, exotic location, mysterious ruins with strange inhabitants, really cool. Sorry, the archaeologist in me snuck out for a moment.

I was watching it tonight. Is it just me, or did the Predators look better (more realistic) in the first two Predators?
I'd have to put my number one as Pitch Black, but then I am a HUGE Vin Diesel fan. I reckon it does stand up on it's own merits though, I jumped like heck in various parts of that film.

I do agree with Logan's Run too though, I loved that film for years and even recently watched it again and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies. :)

My number one is still Stargate and of course the series of it. Cant loose my love for the Tokra, even when they are not activ anymore after Season 8.
(Ive got all the series from SG1 on collectors DVD's upto Season 10)

Further I love:

Armorgeddon (hope I spell this right)
The series "V"
The series " Battle Star gallactica" (old and new versions)
The series "Andromeda"
Alien - but not all of them, after 3 parts I find it boring.

I think I am still forgetting a lot.
It is one of the worst reviewed films of all time, and it flopped incredibly badly in the US market. Really, really bad.


Perhaps it is not available in Euope for that reason. Or I simply did not hear about it. Thanks for the Info and warning. ;)
Battlefield Earth is available over here Zida (we have a copy on DVD) and as a piece of Hollywood sci-fi/action is not too bad.

The real problem is that it is based on a very good book indeed (of the same title) and does an appalling job of bring the story to the screen.
I'd have to put my number one as Pitch Black, but then I am a HUGE Vin Diesel fan. I reckon it does stand up on it's own merits though, I jumped like heck in various parts of that film.
I like it for the fact that it features Claudia Black from Farscape, for about 20 minutes, anyway... :p
IMDB's list is silly. King Kong is sci-fi? Or Frankenstein? Well then, so is Re-Animator. :lol:
I'd have to put my number one as Pitch Black, but then I am a HUGE Vin Diesel fan. I reckon it does stand up on it's own merits though, I jumped like heck in various parts of that film.

I do agree with Logan's Run too though, I loved that film for years and even recently watched it again and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Pitch Black was great! I also liked the prequel to that "The Chronicles of Riddick".
Ranking of the best Sci-Fi films ever

Here is the short of it

What you guys think? Missed anything major? Aside from sequels, I'll mostly agree here. I must admit, I've not seen Serenity, so I can't really judge that one :) I'd definately place Close Encounters and ET -WAY- in front of Back to the Future. I also thought Event Horizon and Dark City were great movies. Neither one got much notoriety though...

I can see how they came up with the list as those were popular. Although many are NOT any of my favorites, actually very few. ;)

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