Best push hands clip?

Formosa Neijia

Green Belt
These two clips show some of the best PH I've seen on the web:

What I think makes these two clips unique is the wide range of taiji applications shown, Dong's willingness to move his feet, and his great fajing.

Notice in the second clip that he steps circularly around the opponent. Good footwork there. His use of ji is very good. Notice that he also doesn't mind taking the head if the opportunity presents itself. Few taiji people that I've met practice that kind of head/neck control.

And best of all, no hopping. :)
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Formosa Neijia,

I've seen these clips before and I agree with you. Its another wonderful example of "listening" - feeling your opponents centre and with very little effort, disposing of him.

Very best wishes
These two clips show some of the best PH I've seen on the web:

What I think makes these two clips unique is the wide range of taiji applications shown, Dong's willingness to move his feet, and his great fajing.

Notice in the second clip that he steps circularly around the opponent. Good footwork there. His use of ji is very good. Notice that he also doesn't mind taking the head if the opportunity presents itself. Few taiji people that I've met practice that kind of head/neck control.

And best of all, no hopping. :)

Tung Hu Ling is, IMO, one of the best examples of Push Hands, but then I am bias; he and my Sifu were good friends and had the same teacher :)

I have heard on a few occasion, as my Sifu knocks me to the floor (incredible softly by the way) or hits me (incredibly hard, with what appears to be little effort on his part) "Tung Hu Ling did that to me once" :)
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Tung Hu Ling is, IMO, one of the best examples of Push Hands, but then I am bias; he and my Sifu were good friends and had the same teacher :)

I have heard on a few occasion, as my Sifu knocks me to the floor (incredible softly by the way) or hits me (incredibly hard, with what appears to be little effort on his part) "Tung Hu Ling did that to me once" :)

Yeah you're pretty lucky to be in that lineage. It's one of the best IMO, although YCF did have other great students like Li Ya-xuan. For YCF flavored material I would go to the Dong family first and you don't even have to go to China.

Although I was a little surprised that they don't have more classes in Hawaii and they apparently don't even have their own school.

Are there other great PH clips that I might have missed?
Yeah you're pretty lucky to be in that lineage. It's one of the best IMO, although YCF did have other great students like Li Ya-xuan. For YCF flavored material I would go to the Dong family first and you don't even have to go to China.

Although I was a little surprised that they don't have more classes in Hawaii and they apparently don't even have their own school.

Are there other great PH clips that I might have missed?

Tung Kai Ying (Tung Hu Ling's oldest son and also a student of Tung Ying Jie) has a school in Los Angeles

Dong Zeng Chen I believe is in Oahu, Hawaii and Dong Zeng Chen's son Alex Dong teaches in the NYC area now
Formosa Neijia,

"It's one of the best IMO, although YCF did have other great students like Li Ya-xuan. For YCF flavored material I would go to the Dong family first and you don't even have to go to China."

I would agree with you to a certain extent. Tung has a more YCF flavour than very many I have seen. However my own lineage comes via Yang Zhen Ji (the 2nd son) who not only learned from his father (YCF) but also from Fu Zhong Wen. I think this form is even closer to YCF's final form that Tung's. And of course you can find teachers of this form in the US.

Very best wishes
Formosa Neijia,

"It's one of the best IMO, although YCF did have other great students like Li Ya-xuan. For YCF flavored material I would go to the Dong family first and you don't even have to go to China."

I would agree with you to a certain extent. Tung has a more YCF flavour than very many I have seen. However my own lineage comes via Yang Zhen Ji (the 2nd son) who not only learned from his father (YCF) but also from Fu Zhong Wen. I think this form is even closer to YCF's final form that Tung's. And of course you can find teachers of this form in the US.

Very best wishes

Yang Zhen-ji's taiji isn't as widely seen as it probably should be. It's another good lineage. As is Fu's, of course. It's good to see some strong Yang lineages represented here.

I've seen clips of Fu Sheng-yuan doing push hands. They're good. Are there any clips of PH from Zhen-ji's line? Just curious.
Formosa Neijia,

I'm not aware of any PH videos from the Zhen Ji lineage although there are videos of him doing the form. Zhen Duo of course claimed the "gatekeepers" role and Zhen Ji tended to remain in the background. The main teacher of Zhen Ji's form in the US is Coach Christopher Pei of the US Wushu Academy and in the UK Shelagh Grandpierre.

Very best wishes
Here's a good clip, though not a patch on the one of Tung whose applications are wonderfully distinct.

and as for Chen style, well I really like this one :)

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