Benefits of X-kan training


Brown Belt
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
This thread starter is in regard to a reply I just left but I digress. Could I get some replies on what they see as the high point of training in one of the x-kans; is it the hand to hand skills, the ukemi, the weapons or what?

As an example I like American (Ed Parker's) Kenpo for the hand to hand but the ukemi and taihenjutsu in BBT is really comprehensive and somethign that is almost non-existent in Kenpo.
For me it is the ukemi and tai sabaki (rolling / breakfalls and evasion by body movement). The ability to instinctively roll or break falls can keep you from seriously getting hurt in daily life, or when practising other sports (snowboarding).

I also like locks and throws, and the fact that traditional weapons training (bo, sword, hanbo) are part of training. I just like it.

When it comes to the fighting aspect, Genbukan is a complete system that pays attention to all aspects, instead of only focusing on striking / kicking like karate or TKD, or throwing choking only like Judo, or ...
Not saying that there is anything wrong with those systems. I just like what I do now better.