Belt whipping to end a Black Belt grading!!

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CanuckMA said:
Was she worth it????? :ultracool

Not if you don't have a good health plan.

Back to topic...hazing can be an issue insofar as public perception. Even light and playful hazing can be misconstrued. Elsewhere somebody had a thread going about former students "trash talking" instructors. Given people's tendencies to exaggerate things, a simple light hazing could be magnified into something far worse.

I knew a woman that once sent a black rose to a guy...within two weeks she got word back from a friend that he'd heard she had sent a funeral wreath. Stories grow with the telling.

I don't see its value. Certainly not as a "right of passage". Our training alone is that, or ought to be.


i agree...often times in my school about as far as it goes is getting a killer workout the first class you come to after the test...maybe some extra pushups or situps...
Please save us from the macho bulldwang that these instructors do to their students. I trained with one like that. During the bb test, which is conducted in an arena in front of the founder of the art, any one student can jump in and spar in any of the rings. Pity the poor student who, by 'luck' of the draw, is in the ring directly in front of the founder. BBs who had NO BUSINESS in that ring jumped in to spar to impress him. I knew of at least two people who had to be taken to the hospital directly after receiving their black belts due to major injuries, similar to the story of the girl kicked in the abdomen (poor thing - I hope it works out in her favor).

There is NO PLACE in a LEGITIMATE martial art for this type of behavior. Upper belts, ESPECIALLY black belts, are SUPPOSED to set an EXAMPLE - and if this is it, it's a real poor one.

Okay all you hardcores. I'm ready for rebuttals. KT
*it's strangely quiet in here!*

Steve - don't worry, soon you'll have several of us (I hope) getting into more flexible weapons. :whip1:
Feisty Mouse said:
*it's strangely quiet in here!*

Steve - don't worry, soon you'll have several of us (I hope) getting into more flexible weapons. :whip1:
Yes, Feisty, it is. Sorry you all, but sometimes the tiger has to roar. KT
Feisty Mouse said:
*it's strangely quiet in here!*

Steve - don't worry, soon you'll have several of us (I hope) getting into more flexible weapons. :whip1:

Feisty...I...uh...I...I've been very, very bad.


kenpo tiger said:
Sorry you all, but sometimes the tiger has to roar. KT
and roar you did...i think you quite effectively put a lid on this it's been very silent for awhile now.....

except for hardheadjarhead's admissions of guilt of course. :boing2:
bignick said:
and roar you did...i think you quite effectively put a lid on this it's been very silent for awhile now.....

except for hardheadjarhead's admissions of guilt of course. :boing2:
Well, I talked with my instructor about this - that's how upset I was to see that such things still went on. He said that the 'kenpo kick' is quite common still - but he doesn't believe in doing it because he feels that whoever has just completed her/his testing has proven himself/herself. The kick is merely humiliation for the satisfaction of a lot of insecure people. KT
KT - I think this idea of insecure people beating on/humiliating others has come up a lot in various threads. It's sad to see that it is so very prevalent.
could some of the kenpo people fill me in on how this whole tradition started, the kick-in that is? (i know hazing is not limited, nor did it start with kenpo...but i'd never heard of actually kicking someone like that)
We have no rituals like that at our school. First I've heard of this actually. You just need to be careful since there is a very fine line between good fun and hazing.
Hi All,

I was in the Marine Corps, seagoing. We crossed the equator at the IDL.
Golden Shell Back.
Talk about brutal, being a Marine aboard a flag ship is quite a responsibility, no friends in the rest of the ship as a general rule.

The old idea, us against the rest, comes to mind. Protect the officers from the enlisted etc. We also had brig duty and gangplank guard. Some people are no fun at all...

The equator and IDL crossing is one of the most brutal (fun things) I have participated in (receiving end) the old goldens and shellbacks get their day.

The Marines on the ship were treated with some real sadistic pleasure from the old timers and young timers who had been the victims of the Brig chasers and Brig watch Marines.

Payback is what they would have called it.

Like I say, brutal comes to mind.
Aye, laddies, come and get it.
All in rough and tumble fun...
Probably, you had to be there to understand the feeling of pride as you recover.

Semper Fi.

Regards, Gary
I believe the type of beatings you are talking about started in the Navy, probably in the English Navy and carried on from there....Fun or foul, was a cat of nine tails...G
Hi all,

I was a LEO, I could tell you about that also, It is not the day of graduation, it is the day before, same as in Boot Camp...

Sorry KT, you have/had to been there or done that, before you can complain.
Pain is a form of manhood...LOL...Right!!!

That is what I hear about motherhood...LOL...Just funnin...

The passage to anything can be painful or not...

Regards, Gary
I think there is a difference to being flogged earning your black belt; and being progressively conditioned over years of proper training to be able to survive a requisite beating to earn your black belt.

Getting whipped sounds a bit cultish to me.
Patrick Skerry said:
I think there is a difference to being flogged earning your black belt; and being progressively conditioned over years of proper training to be able to survive a requisite beating to earn your black belt.

Getting whipped sounds a bit cultish to me.
Yep the cult of no pain, no gain, its a rule...

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Yep the cult of no pain, no gain, its a rule...

Regards, Gary

Actually all the pain you need should have been accumulated in good pragmatic training on your way to your first dan, and not because of your earing your first dan. Getting whipped on a graduation ceremony is just blatantly wrong.