Originally posted by angrywhitepajamas
There will always be an exception to the age rule.
i don't disagree, and the exception goes both ways. some kids mature faster than others physically, and some kids mature slower than others physically. through the years i've seen some kids come in that were around the age of 15 or 16, but if you had asked me what i thought their age was before i knew the truth, i would have said 11 or 12. they just looked very young, and acted very young as well. so just because you old enough to participate in an adult class, it doesn't always mean that you should be.
i sprouted up pretty fast. when i was 13 or 14 i was already the same height i am now. guess i just stopped getting taller eh?
i was out their sparring the adults, much larger than me, and i was better for it. granted, i wasn't wearing a black belt, but i was holding my own for the most part. i also participated in various sports, so i had some athletic background as well to help me out. basically, you never know what might factor in to a child's developement.
still, i feel a black belt at least *should* be a responsibility that is USUALLY too big for a young person to handle or grasp the meaning of. and on junior black belts, yes, my school has them, but only for the kids classes. once you are deemed ready for the adult class...you basically will be wearing that junior black belt for a long time until you are ready for your "real" black belt. i suppose it can be a good thing if it keeps kids interested in the art, but it has many drawbacks as well. i myself am not for it, and have stated it in the past.
that said, to each his own.