Belt Order

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These are the belt orders for the clubs I have trained with:

Wado Karate: White, Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Brown w white stripe, Brown w black stripe, Black.

Ju Jutsu: White, White w yellow stripe, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black. High ranking dans sometimes wear black/red belts.

Kobudo: no formal uniform or belt for 6. to 4. kyu. Most wear gis with white belts or normal training clothes. If you have a rank in another art you are allowed to wear the appropriate belt. At 3. kyu a hakama may be worn. At 1. dans usually wear blue shirts with the hakama, but this is not required. Some have decorated shirts.
stone_dragone said:
I was gonna answer, but eisman31 answered for there! I would add that it is a 5 kyu system, though.

In the ATA, they have white, orange, yellow, camo, green, purple, blue, Brown, Red, red/Black (poom) and black. Its a 9 gup system.

In my school in Tennessee, its White, Yellow, Blue, Green, Brown, Black...its a 12 kyu system.
What is ATA?!? What is poom? What is gup??!?!
Daishizen Goju-Ryu Karate-do

White (w/ up to 3 green stripes)
Green (w/ up to 3 brown stripes)
Brown (w/ up to 3 black stripes)
Black (never adourned w/ any stripes)
I've had a few different experiences with belts.

In the Chinese martial art that I study there are three levels, but it's just taken for granted that you're a perpetual student.

In Kajukenbo you get your Black Belt after testing - but then you get your "Black Belt First Degree" after more training and testing (generally a couple more years). A lot of other systems just call your first Black Belt a "1st Degree Black Belt." Black Belt 3rd Degree (Sifu) is the teaching rank.

In San Miguel Eskrima we decided on levels but called them "green belt," "brown belt," and "black belt" for the sake of students who were more confortable with the belt system. Once you get to Black Belt level you don't have to wear your belt anymore.


Steve Lamade
Our list is very long and it takes a very logn time to get to blackbelt. Black Belt is teaching level though most choose to start teaching after they hit second or third. In my school (Kenpo Karate Mitchell System) we have

White Belt
Yellow Belt 8th Class
Orange Belt 7th Class
Purple Belt 6th class
Blue Belt 5th Class
Green Belt 4th Class
Brown Belt 3rd Class
Brown Belt 2nd Class
Brown Belt 1rst Class
Black Belt First Degree Junior instructor
Black Belt Second Degree Associate Instructor
Black Belt Third Degree Head Instructor
Black Belt Fourth Degree Senior Instructor
Black Belt Fifth Degree Associate Professor
Black Belt Sixth Degree Professor
Black Belt Seventh Degree Senior Professor
Black Belt Eight Degree Associate Master of The Arts
Black Belt Ninth Degree Master of The Arts
Black Belt Tenth Degree Senior Master of The Arts
White - Yellow Tip
White - Blue Tip
White - Green Tip
White - Orange Tip

White - Purple Tip
Black & White Stripe
Black 1st - 5th dan
Red & White 6th - 8th dan
Red (double width) 9th - 10th dan

Greg Palmer
Tsutsumi Ryu Ju Jutsu
Here is the Seijitsu Shin Do ranking system:
Yellow (9th Kyu)
Orange (8th Kyu)
Green w/ White Stripe (7th Kyu)
Green (6th Kyu)
Blue w/ White Stripe (5th Kyu)
Blue (4th Kyu)
Purple w/ white stripe (3rd Kyu)
Purple (2nd Kyu)
Brown (1st Kyu)
Black Shodan - Judan

5th and 6th Dans may wear a renshi belt (red and white split)
7th and 8th dans may wear a kyoshi belt (red and white blocked)
9th and 10 dans may wear a red belt
Blue Stripe
Green Stripe
Brown 1 stripe
Brown 2 Stripe
Brown 3 stripe
Black 1-10 Stripe
In our system, Matusumura Kenpo Shorin Ryu, we go as follows
10th kyu White
9th kyu Yellow with one green stripe
8th kyu Yellow with two green stripes
7th kyu Yellow with 3 green stripe
6th kyu Green with one brown stripe
5th kyu Green with 2 brown stripes
4th kyu Green with 3 brown stripes
3rd Kyu Brown with 1 black stripe
2nd Kyu Brown with 2 black stripes
1st kyu Brown with 3 black stripes
Black belt
Ishin Ryu Jujitsu
Infants - All white belts with stripe through.
White Yellow Orange Green Blue Purple Brown Black

Juniors - Broken up with black stripes between each main colour
White Yellow Orange Green Blue Purple Brown


Red (novice)
8th kyu White (red stripe)
7th Yellow
6th Orange
5th Green
4th Blue
3rd Purple
2nd Brown
1st Brown/Black stripe
Shodan Ho
Black belt
Kids 4-7
10-0 White
10-1 White yellow center stripe
10-2 white green center stripe
10-3 white purple center stripe
10-4 white orange cneter stripe
10-5 white black center stripe
8 to adult Gups
10 White
9 White black tip stripe
8 orange
7 orange white tip stripe
6 green
5 green white tip stripe
4 brown
3 brown white tip stripe
2 red
1 red white tip stripe
black belt canidate - mid-night blue
Black belts 1-5 (non master)
masters belts black red center stripe 4-7
in my art there are not belts, but that is because it is more of a concept then a style. and it is a very young martial art. its only been around since the 60's. i do train muay thai and alittle bjj. and in muay thai there are belts, but only for champions of the sport. not for rankings
Although we practice a Chinese system, we use belt-ranking structure. Our structure is not dissimilar to that used in other martial disciplines:


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