Being pushed hard to promote

Alright here is my honest opinion

Going from red to black in under a year does seem quite fast to me. However if the blackbelts had made special agangments or they think he can do it then I think it is by all means do able. If they want him to test that badly and are pushing him that hard it could be that they are pushing him to test so soon to see if he will be able to do it. it is going to take all he's got mentally and physically

Normally I would say a year is not even close to long enough, but 11 classes a week? Add on that he may be a natural.......My instructor made his TSD 1st Dan in Korea in a year, but was training 15 hours a week.

Not probable, but It's possible.
Maybe you should speak in terms of Gup rank, colors mean nothing to anymore unless they are in the same org.

WTSDA has 10 gup ranks and 1 pre-black belt rank called Cho Dan Bo, some orgs only have the 10 gup ranks.

Generally to get to black belt your looking at 4-5+ years in any org ot style. My school runs on the high side of that 5-7 years.

My question is what is your son's gup rank?

Last 3 or 4 gup ranks should take ~6 months to 1 year, it's like making good wine, it just takes a long time, the quality of grapes will make a difference though.
In our school, there is nothing new to learn between 1st gup and Black Belt. Usually the time between 1st gup and BB is to polish techniques and maybe work on areas that were weak on their last test.

Time is no problem.
mjd said:
Maybe you should speak in terms of Gup rank, colors mean nothing to anymore unless they are in the same org.

WTSDA has 10 gup ranks and 1 pre-black belt rank called Cho Dan Bo, some orgs only have the 10 gup ranks.

Generally to get to black belt your looking at 4-5+ years in any org ot style. My school runs on the high side of that 5-7 years.

My question is what is your son's gup rank?

Last 3 or 4 gup ranks should take ~6 months to 1 year, it's like making good wine, it just takes a long time, the quality of grapes will make a difference though.

In KyuKi-Do the belt ranks go like this.....white, yellow stripe, yellow, green stripe, green, blue stripe, blue, brown stripe, brown, red, and then black belt.If he tests for black this year it will be 9 months between red and black.If he is deemed not ready then it will be 1 year and 4 months before the next BB test.Yes I am very proud of him.Even Grand Master Kim himself has called my son an" exceptional martial artist".To answer your question though my son would be 10th gup.
Just to throw out my 2 cents...I realize that many organizations have hard and fast standards as to how long you must have studied to attain certain ranks and that the final say rests with the Kwan Jang Nim.

My question is - shouldn't rank be more about your skill and ability than time? It is a fact of life that some people learn faster than others. Some people are more coordinated than others. Some are more mature than other (big one) -- and some are just flat out in better shape than others. Your belt color is not necessarily a measure of your ability, it is only an indication of what tests you have qualified for.

The time requirement exists for a reason, to eliminate favoritism, to ensure that enough training has occured, and a myriad of other reasons.

But in this case, if all requirements are met, and he has the ability, knowledge and skill, AND the Kwan Jang Nim, Sa Bom Nim, and other students agree - why not?

Also, just to be clear, I studied for a total of 2 and a half years at various schools in the US (mainly International Tang Soo Do Federation), but my opinion has been formed by the last 3 months of my training in South Korean under Sa Bom Nim Ch'oe, Ki Un and Kwan Jang Nim E, Han In. So I may be a bit biased....
Greg King said:
In KyuKi-Do the belt ranks go like this.....white, yellow stripe, yellow, green stripe, green, blue stripe, blue, brown stripe, brown, red, and then black belt.If he tests for black this year it will be 9 months between red and black.If he is deemed not ready then it will be 1 year and 4 months before the next BB test.Yes I am very proud of him.Even Grand Master Kim himself has called my son an" exceptional martial artist".To answer your question though my son would be 10th gup.

If he's a red belt, he'd be a 1st gup. 10th gup would be white or yellow stripe. It goes backwards in the gup ranks....Like a countdown to blast off.:)

So,what's the latest, Greg?
IcemanSK said:

If he's a red belt, he'd be a 1st gup. 10th gup would be white or yellow stripe. It goes backwards in the gup ranks....Like a countdown to blast off.:)

So,what's the latest, Greg?

OOPS,you're right ,he is 1st gup.Hope Master Kim doesn't see that,brain fart on my part there.The latest is they are still keeping an eye on him and i am not allowed to ask.But i did ask Master Kim to give me a hint as to what is going to happen because test fees for black are expensive and i would appreciate a little notice to be financially prepared.A little note ,he did a weapons demonstration at a festival for Master Hutson's AKF school and the local newspaper interviewed him and his last tournament two weeks ago he got first in everything he entered.:-partyon:
Greg King said:
OOPS,you're right ,he is 1st gup.Hope Master Kim doesn't see that,brain fart on my part there.The latest is they are still keeping an eye on him and i am not allowed to ask.But i did ask Master Kim to give me a hint as to what is going to happen because test fees for black are expensive and i would appreciate a little notice to be financially prepared.A little note ,he did a weapons demonstration at a festival for Master Hutson's AKF school and the local newspaper interviewed him and his last tournament two weeks ago he got first in everything he entered.:-partyon:

Congrats to your son, Greg! Master Hutson (& Master Dave Garrison in Barrington, for that matter) is a great resource for your son.
Greg King said:
If he tests for black this year it will be 9 months between red and black.If he is deemed not ready then it will be 1 year and 4 months before the next BB test.

Looks like your school only has bb testing once a year or so?

I can see why they want to test him this time around, then. An extra year at Il Gup would be kind of harsh, especially when he is willing to train so hard and is doing so well.

I wouldn't sweat it being a little early - sounds like he has the time in grade and training in.

Best o' luck to him! (and DO watch out for burnout!)
I will keep all informed as to the progress of my son and his test, as soon as i have info i will post it.:)
Well the verdict is in .My son will not be promoting until may of 2007 .they said he needed to mature a little more ....But all is good and he is in agreement ,as the Masters pulled him aside and explained why,which is great because they really don't owe him an explanation,Back to class c'ya........Greg
Well the verdict is in .My son will not be promoting until may of 2007 .they said he needed to mature a little more ....But all is good and he is in agreement ,as the Masters pulled him aside and explained why,which is great because they really don't owe him an explanation,Back to class c'ya........Greg

Gregg another year of maturaty will help him in the long run, cudos to you and your son for allowing the instructors to make a decission like that, you are lucky to have such great Masters at your school
Gregg another year of maturaty will help him in the long run, cudos to you and your son for allowing the instructors to make a decission like that, you are lucky to have such great Masters at your school

Terry hit it right on the head. I'm glad you feel you can trust the masters that much. Some folks wouldn't. Another year will make a difference. Good for you.

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