Before Hwarang was there Kyongdang?


Master of Arts
Many of us are familiar with the Hwarang of Silla, if only by the martial art of the same name. However, I have been reading through some Korean history books and I came across some information about a group that were very similar in functionality as the Hwarang, but were located in the Koguryeo kingdom (37bc - 668ad). These group also functioned as youth group that were trained in science, arts, and military arts. I have not done any deep research as of yet, but they could actually pre-date the Hwarang. As I get more information I will try to add to this thread. Just wanted to drop some food for thought.
In the series Yeon Gae Somun on Korean TV, there was mention of an elite young military group protecting the nation and Yeon Gae Somun. It was interesting to me as when I was in Korea the first time there was little information available (at least available to me in English) other than that there was such a kingdom as Koguryo.

Of course, I watched the series with the knowledge that it was a Korean docudrama. Have you seen it?
In the series Yeon Gae Somun on Korean TV, there was mention of an elite young military group protecting the nation and Yeon Gae Somun. It was interesting to me as when I was in Korea the first time there was little information available (at least available to me in English) other than that there was such a kingdom as Koguryo.

Of course, I watched the series with the knowledge that it was a Korean docudrama. Have you seen it?
It doesn't sound familiar, but then again, when I get a chance to watch those shows they have an English title. Do you know if it was a KBS or MBC show?
There are some groups laying claim to them and say they practice the I-sip Sa Mu Sul (24 martial arts). However, I spoke with a lady from Korea practices Sippalki and said that their claim is false because of the time line that the group existed and the implementation of that particular art. For me the hard part of getting information on it is that most of the Koguryo kingdom is now NK. So it is not like I just travel over there and do some research during one of my regular trips.
I think Koguryo was more in what is now part of China than in North Korea.

Koguryo encompassed what is now NK and part of China:

I stand corrected. I had seen maps some time before that showed Koguryo's southern boundary farther north. Obviously newer or more correct research has shown that not to be so. Than's one of the fascinating things about trying to learn about the history of Korea.

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