Beautiful BS Story

Heh, that's beautiful!
The key is to be on 'his side' when you have one of those guys, just happy go lucky and he's your buddy. That would have been hilarious to watch :D
So the thread about mystical powers reminds me of a story I've been meaning to share.

A while back (and several partners ago), I was at a party where my dumbass partner was bragging on her 2nd dan boyfriend. Some gangbanger comes up and starts talking at me, ending with the phrase "Well, can karate help you dodge a bullet?"

And I get all excited and say "Funny you should ask, man! Just yesterday my sensei was showing me how. I mean, I can't do it yet, but check this out..." I go on to tell him that if you relax your body totally, the bullet will just rotate your body. It'll hurt like all getout, but you won't die.

The beautiful part is he bought it completely. I swear if I'd had just ten more minutes he would have let me go out back and shoot at him so he could try.

The even more beautiful part is we stayed friendly the rest of the night.

That's great! Battlin' a BS'er with a bigger BS story! Wonderful!

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