Be Exellent to Each Other......

Samantha said:
but now you've peaked my interest...

so its a movie about some guys named bill and ted. if its so great why havent I heard of it?:idunno:


damn you chronuss, you edited your post and now I have to edit mine. Keanu reeves is in it? Did he have the same "save the free world" complex like he does now? matrix 1, 2, 3, constantine....
hehe..I much prefer Keanu as a surfer dude!!
Sarah said:
Speaking of Keanu as a surfer...does anyone remember Point Break.... :)
wasn't that when Gary Busey was still sober...well..couldn't have been that sober...trying to ride that wave.
Sarah said:
Speaking of Keanu as a surfer...does anyone remember Point Break.... :)
I like that movie. Have it on DVD somewhere.

B&TEA is a great flick. Bit of a nostalgic trip for me. You might think it's stupid because it is. That's the whole point of it, just like Waynes World...
Samantha said:
what is bill and ted by the way?
Bill and Ted ... of San Dimas, California ... show us that Peace on Earth and Good Will toward all men is not just possible, but they play a major part in bringing it about.

You too, can learn this lesson, for a mere 3 bucks at the closest Blockbuster.

Be sure to learn of their Excellent Adventure first, the Bogus Journey is really not nearly as much fun, until the third or fourth time around.
michaeledward said:
There is something strange, afoot, at the Circle K.
aw man.....
I used to hang out at a Circle K back home in north carolina BEFORE bill and ted "popularised" it.
Then you couldn't find a decent curb space anywhere after the movie!
"San Dimas High School football RULES"!!!!

That movie was cool, and some of it was filmed here at sunsplash/golfland (Mesa, AZ) and also at the Fair lanes bowling alley on Rural and the superstition freeway (Tempe, AZ). Not that anyone remembers that kind of stuff, err something...
I LOVE that movie! My older sister had a huge crush on Keanu Reeves from Bill and Ted. Her walls were nearly wallpapered with his face. I remember the short-lived cartoon, the breakfast cereal, the action figures are still in the house somewhere, and the game was weird. I still enjoy listening to the soundtrack. :)

"All we are, is dust in the wind, dude." "Dust. Wind. DUDE!"

Robyn :D