Be Careful When Littering!

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Yes, it can happen.

When I was a kid, I was on a school bus and some kids threw a sandwich baggie filled with water out of the bus window as a pickup truck passed going the other way. It took out the driver's side rear-view mirror.

Last week, I saw a "Mythbusters" episode where they tried to replicate something similar, and yes, you can smash a can of soda right through a windshield on a car going the other way.

And here's another news story:

Litter breaks windshield, injures driver
NEOSHO, Mo. - John Uranga is counting his lucky stars after a freak accident on Sunday night.
“About 6:30 p.m. Sunday, I went to pick up my boy and ... I saw (someone) throw something out of a car,” Uranga said. “And the next thing that I knew it went through the windshield and (the glass) shattered all over me and cut me on the forehead, on both sides of my face.”
The object in question was a paper cup that was discarded by a driver in a car going the opposite direction.
“It was a medium paper cup, full of ice,” he said. “So when you are going at a certain amount of (speed) on both vehicles, that is like a missile. And the heat was just right and I know that is tempered glass, but it can be broke.”
Uranga – driving an Astro van – said he was traveling about 50 mph when the accident happened.
Uranga is doing fine and credits his sunglasses for saving his eyesight.

This just reminded me of the event that happened when I was a kid as well as the recent Mythbusters episode. So remember; don't litter. But if you must throw things out the window of your car (you disgusting selfish jerk you), don't throw them out where they might smash into the windshield of another car. Something you think is harmless like a cup of ice might well severely injure or kill another driver.

Just my PSA for today!
I quite agree both on the safety aspects and the anti-social nature of littering.

One of the things that make me harrumph and sigh is when I go to a beauty spot and it is covered in empty cans and crisp packets et al :grr:.
the other evening myself and Bruce (my bf) were out to this festival thingy with music, and I bought him a drink. The empty can just rolled on the grass. I made him pick it up and put it in the garbage and i did the same with mine too :)

The cool part of it was both of us taking the empty soft drink cans afterwards, before putting them where they belonged and flattening them with shutos :p

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