Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Well first of all, if I debate somthing with someone I not only learn from the guy I'm talking to but then sombody like Robert will bury my "opponent" with a mountain of evidence to support my claim. Sometimes he turns it on me and refutes my claim.Either way I come away from the whole experience with food for thought. Martial artist without egos... now thats an oxy-moron. Thats right up there with honest polititions and hookers with a heart of gold. All three are figments of your imagination. Sure we all learn to tone it down, some of us more than others. As for Clyde, I feel his beliefs can be a little over the line sometimes and we owe it to him to see if we can chase him back. I'm almost never successfull but I feel I won a small victory by getting him to admit that a school that teaches more techs than his may not be better than his. This negates his prior argument about his school being better than schools with less techs; so, as I've stated, its a small victory. As for people thinking that I'm overstepping my bounds debating with sixth degrees, I suppose they wouln't even engage me in conversation if it bothered them so much. It would bother some I admit but they aren't on this forum are they?
Hey, I know an Honest Politician, really. I've also met the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy, really.
I wouldn't claim claim a victory over the technique issue, I just believe that teaching all the techniques at the right level makes you a better martial artists for that level. More BS techniques or less BS techniques will only confuse you. But, If you want to say you won, you won.
Have a great Kenpo day