Barry Cooper Videos


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I just found this... I may be behind on the times here but only because I've stayed away from the drug culture for over 18 years now. But I was amazed that this guy, a former DEA agent and reportedly one of the best went to the other side and is now teaching people through his video series "Never Get Busted Again!" how to avoid getting caught growing, possessing marijuana.
One of the clips shows him (failing miserably) defending his actions against a panel.
In the "growing pot outdoors" section even he knows that he's in a very dangerous situation though he's on their side, he walks into a DEA-cleared "field" and finds plant remnants that the officers had either ignored or overlooked, but he's being very quiet so not to attract attention because he's probably scared that he'll get shot by a grower "by mistake".

I wonder if LEO's aren't buying his videos to learn how to thwart growers, sellers and casual users by getting "inside info"...

My personal view of it all is that what he's doing is wrong and in the wrong hands can be very dangerous and harmful. It makes the user's situation even worse.
People want to use then they're going to regardless of what the law says. Right now the law says NO... well dammit, no means no doesn't it?

Curious as to what LEO's here on the board think and everyone else too.
Right now the law says NO... well dammit, no means no doesn't it?

The fact that something is against the law does not make the law just, nor does it then mean that what the law specifies should be illegal. Perhaps Mr. Cooper thinks marijuana should be legal, a sentiment I happen to share.

Nonetheless, the video sounds like it could be putting people in greater danger, and from that perspective he is wrong.
Barry Cooper was a former local narcotics agent in the state of Texas....he pimps up his credentials a bit, though.....his career wasn't especially stellar. Now he's gone to the dark side as sometimes happens and is selling 'how to videos' to amature drug dealers on how not to get caught....though honestly I don't know how useful his tips REALLY are to any but the most clueless amature.