LFI-1 Massad Ayoob.
1. When the cops arive tell them the dynamics of the situation.
That is:
a. you are the victim
b. the ones on the ground (hopefully) are the suspects
c. point out any evidence (like clubs, knives, guns, etc.. before someone in the crowed walks off with them.) Same goes for any other evidence.
d. point out any bruise, cuts, tears, etc.. done to you or others.
e. tell the cops you will co-operate 100 percent, totaly, but.... you are upset and would like to take to your lawyer first!
Then shut up! If they try to ask even make talk questions, be firm, be polite, but tell them you still want to talk to a lawyer first.
There are many reasons for the above.
1. After such an encounter you may very well not remember everything, nor even remember it in the order it happened. You can easly say something that can be taken many different ways by the cops, the same cops that use just their memory and a note pad, and what was supposed to sound like self defense, sounds to them like murder.
2. You can be pressured to say something as fact when you really are not sure it is fact. Like how many shots were fired? Did you count?
3. Being upset, you can actually feel remose even if you did fight for your life and blurt out how you are sorry it happened or you might say maybe I didnt need to shoot, or other things at the heat of the moment.
Anyway, yes you do co-operate with the police, but only have a good long talk with your lawyer to get the facts right in your head.